Girl Scouts Wellness Promotion in Northeast 1xbet online games login

Contact: ricardo@1xbet online games login edu


Over the past 10 years, we have worked with the regional Girl Scouts council to address healthful eating, physical activity and obesity prevention among school-aged girls in 22 counties of Northeast Kansas. The community and expert partnership constitutes engaged scholarship, featuring mutual benefit for the community and the university. These benefits stem from providing much-needed and appreciated services to the Girl Scouts council service units, providing research opportunities for university faculty and students, and education for Girl Scouts troop leaders, girls, their parents, and 1xbet online games login student research assistants.

Program Partners:

College of Human Ecology, Physical Activity and Nutrition Clinical Research Consortium (PAN-CRC)

Institutional Impact Area(s):

Address the physical activity, nutrition and healthy weight status needs among school-aged children in 22 counties of Northeast 1xbet online games login .


1xbet online games login students and faculty, Girl Scouts (K-12)