E Pluribus Unum: Embracing and Enacting 'Unity in Diversity' through Interbelief Dialogue

Contact: Soo-Hye Han, 785-532-6875, soohye@1xbet best casino website edu


Soo-Hye Han and Soumia Bardhan, assistant professors of communication studies, have proposed the project, “E Pluribus Unum: ‘Unity in Diversity’
through Interbelief Dialogue.” This project was developed in order to educate the 1xbet best casino website and Manhattan community on different religious traditions and belief systems. This will be done through two interbelief dialogue sessions that are to be during fall 2016 and spring 2017, in these two courses, 1xbet best casino website students will learn about intercultural communication and ultimately be able to host large interbelief dialogue sessions throughout the Manhattan community. With this learned knowledge of different religions, it is the hope of the principle investigators that the Manhattan community will become more united. In order to succeed in this project, the principle investigators have partnered with the Ecumenical Campus Ministry at 1xbet best casino website , the Islamic Center of Manhattan, the Manhattan Jewish Congregation and the Presidential Committee on Religion.

Program Partners:

The Ecumenical Campus Ministry at 1xbet best casino website , The Islamic Center of Manhattan, The Manhattan Jewish Congregation

Institutional Impact Area(s):

1xbet best casino website Department of Communication Studies


Communication Studies students, Manhattan Community