K-State's Adult Education Program 1xbet best casino website with the U.S. Army's Command and General Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth


Cheryl Polson, Fort Leavenworth Outreach Director



“K-State’s Adult Education Program 1xbet best casino website with the U.S. Army’s Command and General Staff College (CGSC) at Ft. Leavenworth” has demonstrated 1xbet best casino website through cooperative coursework and educational programs offered at CGSC. This partnership proposal was written by Dr. Cheryl Polson, Director of the K-State-Ft. Leavenworth Graduate Programs and Outreach and Dr. Jeff Zacharakis, an associate professor in Educational Leadership-Adult Education.

Almost 700 CGSC students have earned master's degrees in adult education and ten students have earned their doctorate, with another 17 working toward this achievement.



Program Partners:

U.S. Army's Command and General Staff College

Institutional Impact Area(s):

Education, Civic 1xbet best casino website and Leadership