office 1xbet online games login Services

The Office of 1xbet online games login seeks to provide a broad-based understanding and awareness of its strategy, community, and campus activities. This space provides an illustrative guide to support our mission of innovative collaborative community and scholarly efforts.

Connect with a 1xbet online games login Ambassador

The 1xbet online games login Ambassadors involve a representative from every college/unit and campus within K-State. Together, we communicate 1xbet online games login opportunities, measure impact, and build interdisciplinary partnerships. We aim to expand this group to all K-State faculty/staff this year by building a university-wide network of 1xbet online games login Champions that will elevate K-State's commitment to the prosperity of every Kansas community. More to come soon!

Brian McCornack

Professor, department head of entomology, and ID3A director of 1xbet online games login

College of Agriculture

Chad Jackson

Director for the Center for the Advancement of Entrepreneurship

College of Business

Cynthia Shuman

Associate dean for research and external funding

College of Education

Darrin Smith

Associate dean of faculty, research and administration

K-State Olathe

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Assistant professor of leadership and community-engaged learning

School of Leadership

Elizabeth Kiss

Professor and Extension Specialist

College of Health and Human Sciences

Jim Roush

Associate dean for academic programs and student sucess

College of Veterinary Medicine

Katie Kingery-Page

Associate dean and professor

Office of Student and Academic Services

College of Architecture, Planning, and Design

Kirsten Zoller

Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives

K-State Salina

Laurel Littrel

Professor, Associate dean for research, education, and 1xbet online games login

Hale Library

Chapman 1x

Professor, Executive director for Chapman Center for Rural Studies

College of Arts and Sciences

Stacy Hutchinson

Professor, Associate dean for research and graduate programs

College of Engineering