Aerial of campus.

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1xbet online sports betting : A positive force for Kansas

Economic and Community Impact of Kansas State University

Fiscal Year 2023

1xbet online sports betting is a powerhouse institution, demonstrating excellence in education, research and service. Acknowledged for its accomplishments, 1xbet online sports betting remains a driving force in enhancing the well-being of Kansas, the nation and the global community.

With an enrollment nearing 20,000 students, a workforce of 7,500 full-time and part-time individuals and a vast network of more than 200,000 active alumni worldwide, 1xbet online sports betting 's influence extends locally and globally. The university consistently makes economic, employment and tax impacts, playing a vital role in sustaining the region's prosperity and fostering a resilient statewide economy.

Download the Economic and Community Impact report.

.3 billion in economic impact to the state of Kansas.
99,917 alumni living and working in Kansas.
161 years of nationwide impact.
Presence in all 105 Kansas counties.

President Linton

1xbet online sports betting stands as a powerful and positive force for Kansas - this report shows just how much that statement rings true. In the fiscal year 2023 alone, the university's impact on the state's economy exceeded billion, contributing significantly to the prosperity of all 105 counties. This accomplishment reflects the collective effort among each and every member of the 1xbet online sports betting community. The impact that we can make, working together as "One 1xbet online sports betting " is unmatched.

- Richard H. Linton, Kansas State University President

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Making an impact throughout Kansas

Impacting the economy

1xbet online sports betting generated .3 billion in economic impact for Kansas. This total represents the direct impact of spending in the state (2.3 million) and the indirect and induced spending (.6 billion) because of the presence of 1xbet online sports betting . This indirect impact includes re-spending dollars within the local economy by vendors/suppliers and households, while institutional, employee and visitor spending all contributes to direct impact.

Supporting and sustaining jobs

1xbet online sports betting supported 21,335 jobs in Kansas, directly enhancing workforce vitality and strengthening the economy across sectors. These jobs, encompassing full-time and part-time positions, consist of direct employment by the university (8,949 jobs) and indirect and induced jobs (12,406 jobs).

These employment impacts directly contribute to Kansas' overall workforce vitality and provide a boost to the economy. Individuals directly employed by 1xbet online sports betting spend their earnings within the state, further supporting additional employment. Additionally, 1xbet online sports betting 's spending on capital projects, development and planning projects, and suppliers contributes to the creation of additional indirect jobs throughout Kansas.

Strengthening local and statewide tax bases

1xbet online sports betting received 5 million from the state of Kansas in fiscal year 2023, and generated 4.7 million in state and local taxes. For every dollar 1xbet online sports betting receives from Kansas taxpayers, .79 is generated by the university's operations and programs in the state's economy. This return on investment is a result of the work done at Kansas State University, and the impact of the institution is extended by 1xbet online sports betting Athletics, the 1xbet online sports betting Alumni Association and the KSU Foundation.

The 1xbet online sports betting Opportunity Agenda

1xbet online sports betting aims to generate economic prosperity and contribute to grand societal challenges in an interdisciplinary, mutually beneficial way. By uniting resources and expertise to elevate 1xbet online sports betting 's role in driving world-class discovery, innovation and scholarship, we call these areas the 1xbet online sports betting Opportunity Agenda.

Transforming and sustaining food and agriculture systems globally.
Integrating technology across foundational elements of modern human life.
Comprehending a community's physical, social and cultural attributes.
Examining the natural and environmental factors and their impacts on our health, environment and society.

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.69 billion generated in economic impact.

16,614 jobs supported and sustained.

.3 million generated in state and local taxes.

In fiscal year 202

Geary, Pottawatomie and Riley counties

.31 billion generated in economic impact.

12,846 jobs supported and sustained.

.3 million generated in state and local taxes.

In fiscal year 2023, 1xbet online casino

6.1 million generated in economic impact.

3,852 jobs supported and sustained.

.2 million generated in state and local taxes.

In fiscal year

.2 million generated in economic impact.

364 jobs supported and sustained.

million generated in state and local taxes.

One out of every 71 jobs in the state is generate

.1 million generated in economic impact.

70 jobs supported and sustained.

4,891 million generated in state and local taxes.

In fiscal year

.3 million generated in economic impact.

317 jobs supported and sustained.

.8 million generated in state and local taxes.

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.1 million generated in economic impact.

355 jobs supported and sustained.

.1 million generated in state and local taxes.

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3.2 million generated in economic impact.

3,755 jobs supported and sustained.

.9 million generated in state and local taxes.

*The economic impact stems from 1xbet online sports betting entities' operational spending. The KSU Foundation's 2 million endowment in FY23 yielded 6.1 million for 1xbet online sports betting 's immediate use, reflected in the university's annual budget. Additionally, philanthropic contributions of 6.4 million were generated and allocated to 1xbet online sports betting .