Knowledge based 1xbet online games login Economic Development, LLC

Contact: Rebecca Spexarth, (785) 532-3955,


KBED is a partnership between seven entities from 1xbet online games login and the Manhattan community working to support the growth of knowledge-based companies in the region by providing access to world-class university research, a talented workforce, facilities, business services and capital. KBED recruits companies to relocate or expand to Manhattan to grow their relationship and collaboration with 1xbet online games login , fostering a strong entrepreneurial environment, focusing on companies that complement 1xbet online games login 's existing research strengths, specifically: Animal Health, Food Science and Safety, Grain Science, Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, Nano Science, and Plant Science. Due to the efforts of KBED, within the last two years two animal health companies have located in the region in order to be in close proximity to 1xbet online games login . The result of the relationships formed between KBED and knowledge-based companies is not only enhanced research opportunities and revenues for the University and its faculty, but also the creation of high paying, knowledge-based jobs for the community that enhances its economic development mission.


Program Partners:

Kansas Department of Commerce; 1xbet online games login Research Foundation (KSURF); 1xbet online games login Foundation (KSUF); the City of Manhattan; the National Institute for Strategic Technology Acquisition and Commercialization (NISTAC); the Manhattan Area Chamber of Commerce; the North Central Kansas Community Network (NCKCN); the City of Manhattan (affiliate partner)

Institutional Impact Area(s):

1xbet online games login Dept. of Animal Sciences and Industry; Food Science Institute; Grain Science and Industry program; 1xbet online games login Dept. of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering; 1xbet online games login Dept. of Physics; 1xbet online games login Dept. of Horticulture, Forestry and Recreation Resources


Knowledge-based companies


Business and Industrial Development; Food and Fiber Production and Safety; Science and Technology; College of Agriculture; College of Arts and Sciences; College of Engineering; 1xbet online games login Research and Extension