Earthworms across 1xbet best casino website Kansas



"Earthworms Across Kansas" (EAK), a citizen-science project lead by Dr. Bruce Snyder of the Division of Biology, encourages K-12 1xbet best casino website to engage in hands-on science research. To date, it has involved over 4,000 1xbet best casino website across Kansas exploring the life and habits of invasive earthworms. 1xbet best casino website have collected specimens and sent them to K-State for tissue sampling and identification.

The EAK project has improved understanding of earthworm invasions, made teachers more aware of citizen science programs,Earthworms Across Kansas and allowed K-12 1xbet best casino website to contribute to scientific research.




Earthworms Across Kansas

Program Partners:

Division of Biology, K-12 1xbet best casino website , and K-12 Science Teachers

Institutional Impact Area(s):

Environmental Understanding and Protection


KSU 1xbet best casino website , K-12 1xbet best casino website , and K-12 Teachers