Graduate School Weekly Newsletter

March 23rd, 2021

This newsletter is distributed to department heads, 1xbet sports betting program directors, 1xbet sports betting program contact staff, and 1xbet sports betting faculty. 1xbet sports betting students receive a weekly email on Mondays from the GSC newsletter 1xbet online casino. Information about student events and opportunities are also shared here to keep 1xbet sports betting program administrators, faculty, and staff informed.

Newsletter distribution reducing to every other week

Based on feedback received, distribution of the 1xbet sports betting School newsletter will reduce to every other week. Special messages will be sent if critical information needs to be shared between newsletters. Faculty and staff are still welcome to share feedback on the newsletter in a brief survey.

1xbet sports betting Program Directors

1xbet online games login Student Awards and Recognition

The MAGS/ProQuest Distinguished Thesis 1xbet and CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation 1xbet serve to recognize theses and dissertations that have made unique contributions to the student’s field of study. For both awards, each 1xbet sports betting program may nominate one student in each category: 1) Arts and Humanities, 2) Biological/Life Sciences. Nomination deadline is May 7.

1xbet sports betting Applications Processing

The internal deadline to recommend admission for International applicants for Fall 2021 was February 1st. This includes individuals who are: Living outside of the United States, applicants who are currently enrolled at an institution in the United States who plan to 1xbet sports betting in spring and plan to travel outside of the United States prior to August.

Departments are encouraged to submit their program recommendations for both International and Domestic applications for admission for Summer 2021 and Fall 2021.

1xbet sports betting Faculty

Encourage 1xbet sports betting students to complete survey from 1xbet sports betting School

On March 17, all K-State 1xbet sports betting students received an invitation to share their experiences in a brief survey. Survey responses will guide strategic planning by the 1xbet sports betting School to support student success and well-being. We appreciate 1xbet sports betting program faculty and staff encouraging students to complete the survey. The survey will remain open through March 31. Share the survey with students.

Templates, Tools, and resources 1xbet sports betting

To ensure formatting requirements are followed when writing and electronic thesis, dissertation, or report, it’s recommended that students use an ETDR template when they begin writing. Students should access an original template from the ETDR website, rather than inheriting a template from another 1xbet sports betting student because the template can be outdated or have other functionality issues.

Engage in service - volunteer to be a Judge at the K-State GRAD Forum

A few more judges are still needed for virtual K-GRAD presentations on March 31 and April 1. If interested, view the presentation session times and notify Adelaide Klutse (GSC Research Forums Committee co-chair, of your availability and interest. Your involvement is greatly appreciated!

Serve as a marshal or attend commencement as a non-hooding faculty member

1xbet sports betting faculty are invited to serve as marshals and/or to attend as non-hooding 1xbet sports betting faculty at one or both 1xbet sports betting School commencement ceremonies on May 14, 2021. If interested in serving as a marshal or attending as non-hooding faculty, complete a brief online form by April 5.

Commerce Bank and WT Kemper Foundation Distinguished 1xbet online casino Faculty Award

Nomination Deadline: May 3

University Distinguished Professors Excellence in Doctoral Studies 1xbet online games login

Doctoral students from any discipline who have been admitted to candidacy and will be enrolled in the fall 2021 semester may apply. Applicants must demonstrate excellence in scholarship through publications and other accomplishments appropriate for his or her academic field. Application deadline is May 3.

Plan for graduation and commencement

1xbet sports betting faculty should be familiar with graduation requirements and deadlines and work with their students to meet the deadlines in their intended semester of graduation. Visit the Graduation and 1xbet online section of the 1xbet sports betting School’s website for checklists and more information. Details for May commencement ceremonies to recognize all 2020 graduates and spring 2021 graduates are still being finalized. More information will be shared throughout the semester.

1xbet sports betting Student Success

Accepting Applications: 1xbet sports betting Student Support Sch

The 1xbet sports betting Student Council and 1xbet sports betting School are pleased to offer the following special 1xbet sports betting Student Support Scholarships in spring 2021 to address some of the unmet financial needs among 1xbet sports betting students: 1) Technology Support Scholarship, 2) Course Fee Support Scholarship, and 3) Publication Support Scholarship. Priority application deadline is April 9.

2021 1xbet sports betting Student Council Executive Officer

Applications are being accepted for the following executive officer positions. Terms for these positions begin in May 2021. Application deadline is March 26, 2021.

  • President Elect (two-year term; serves as president in second year)
  • Treasurer (one-year term)
  • Secretary (one-year term)

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

View the 1xbet sports betting School’s full 1xbet sports bettin.

1xbet sports betting Student Leadership Series: Grad Edge: 1xbet online s

March 25

1xbet sports betting Student Virtual Coffee Chat with the Dean

March 25

GSC Professional Development Seminar: 2023-2024 events 1xbet sports bet

March 25

Graduation and commencement 1xbet online sports betting Checklists

March 26

2021 1xbet sports betting Student Council Executive Officer Application

March 26

The Library and Your Research Workshop: After Graduation: Accessing Research on the Job

March 29

K-State 1xbet sports betting Research, Arts, and Discovery Forum Oral Prese

March 31

GSC Travel Award Application Deadline for June 2021

April 1

K-State 1xbet sports betting Research, Arts, and Discovery Forum Poster Prese

April 1

GSC Professional Development Seminar: 2023-2024 events 1xbet sports bettin

April 7

1xbet sports betting Student Support Sch priority application deadline

April 9

1xbet sports betting Student Leadership Series: Civic Leadership and Citizen Scholarship

April 12

GSC Professional Development Seminar: 2023-2024 events 1xbet sports betting

April 15

Deadline: Graduation and 1xbet online games login

April 16

Webinar: Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and

April 26

1xbet sports betting Student Virtual Coffee Chat with the Dean

April 27

Commerce Bank and W.T. Kemper Distinguished 1xbet sports betting Faculty Lecture: Thomas Phillips

April 27
