Graduate School Weekly Newsletter

June 29, 2021

This newsletter is distributed to department heads, 1xbet online casino program directors, 1xbet online casino program contact staff, and 1xbet online casino faculty. 1xbet online casino students receive a weekly email on Mondays from the GSC newsletter 1xbet online casino. Information about student events and opportunities are also shared here to keep 1xbet online casino program administrators, faculty, and staff informed.

1xbet online casino Student Success

Save the Date! 1xbet online casino Student Welcome and Orientation Activities

The 1xbet online casino School looks forward to welcoming 1xbet online casino students for Fall 2021 with a revised orientation format! To help new students have a successful start to their 1xbet online casino career, we are planning several activities in July and August.

July 20

  • Orientation for new GTAs, GRAs, and GAs, 10:00-11:30am
  • Orientation for all new 1xbet online casino students, 1:00-2:30pm

August 4 (repeat of the sessions above)

  • Orientation for all new 1xbet online casino students, 10:30-noon
  • Orientation for new GTAs, GRAs, and GAs, 1:00-2:30pm

August 18

  • 1xbet online casino Student Experience Welcome Session, 1:00-4:30pm

Details of the sessions are being finalized and will be posted on the 1xbet online casino Student Welcome and Orientatio. Registration will open by early July, and we will also send notifications directly to incoming and returning students.

NEW checklists to guide students through graduation requirements

The 1xbet online casino School has revised the Graduation and commencement 1xbet onlin for our students. Please work with your students to utilize these checklists well in advance to help them be successful in meeting their target graduation date.

Key updates to note include:

  • Each semester listed on the website contains its own checklist and includes a printable version (PDF), but students should still refer to the web-based lists, which include linked text directing them to more information, forms, surveys, etc.
  • There are separate lists for graduation requirements and commencement participation requirements.
  • Important dates and information regarding diplomas and final transcripts have been incorporated into the checklists.

1xbet online casino Program Directors

Contribute to Grad Chat Bot Knowledge Base

The 1xbet online casino School is seeking volunteers to help build the knowledge base for a new 1xbet online casino chat bot by July 15. If you are interested in serving on a task force for a period of 2-3 weeks to review and develop Q&A for the chat bot, please notify Dr. Megan Miller ( of your interest. Information will be forthcoming for those interested.

1xbet online casino Applications Processing

The internal deadline to recommend admission for International applicants for Fall 2021 was February 1st. This includes individuals who are: Living outside of the United States, applicants who are currently enrolled at an institution in the United States who plan to 1xbet online casino in spring and plan to travel outside of the United States prior to August.

Departments are encouraged to submit their program recommendations for both International and Domestic applications for admission for Fall 2021.

In case you missed it – Presentation from June 21 Brown Bag

The 1xbet online casino School’s monthly brown bag series kicked off on June 21st, in which Dean Petrescu presented on “1xbet online casino Students’ Needs: Input from students and Grad constituents.” She shared the results of surveys conducted in the spring semester and discussed next steps in using the information. If you were unable to attend, you may access a copy of the presentation and a report from the MBA master’s student retention project in the 1xbet online casino Faculty Canvas course.

CollegeNet Update

KBOR, at its June meeting, approved KSU’s proposed fee structure. The 1xbet online casino School admissions team is working diligently on updating all program codes in CollegeNet. Each code line must be revised and this is a laborious process. We estimate that this process will take place from June 24 to July 20. After the process is completed, the 1xbet online casino School will provide you an update and might ask for your help in “testing” the system to ensure that all changes have been correctly made.

The Histochemical Society Cornerstone Grants

Application Deadline: June 30, 2021

The Histochemical Society’s 1xbet online casino Medical Trainee and 1xbet online casino Student Cornerstone Grant is encourages interest in histochemistry and histochemical-based research techniques in early-career physicians and scientists. This grant will provide funds to assist 1xbet online casino medical trainees and 1xbet online casino students in conducting research involving immunohistochemistry or histochemical techniques and in situ hybridization. The 2021 grant amount is ,000. Applicants must be 1xbet online casino medical trainees (residency or fellowship), 1xbet online casino students (PhD or thesis-based Master’s), or combined degree program students. Click here to submit an application for a Cornerstone or Capstone Grant.

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

View the 1xbet online casino School’s full 1xbet sports bettin.

July 12 Summer seminar series for undergrads – Networking and Career Exploration, 3:00pm, Zoom
July 19 Summer seminar series for undergrads – The Life of a 1xbet online casino Student Panel Discussion, 3:00pm, Zoom
July 19 1xbet online casino School Brown Bag, 11:45am-12:45pm

July 27

1xbet online casino Student Virtual Coffee Chat with Dean
