Graduate School Weekly Newsletter

February 17th, 2021

This newsletter is distributed to department heads, 1xbet online casino program directors, 1xbet online casino program contact staff, and 1xbet online casino faculty. 1xbet online casino students receive a weekly email on Mondays from the GSC newsletter 1xbet online casino. Information about student events and opportunities are also shared here to keep 1xbet online casino program administrators, faculty, and staff informed.

New Format! Share your feedback

Based on faculty and staff feedback, you’ll see a revised format for this week’s newsletter. We welcome your feedback on these changes, as well as other suggestions for improvements. Share your feedback in a brief survey.

1xbet online casino Program Directors

Timothy R. Donoghue 1xbet sports betting Scholarship

Nomination Deadline: Feb. 19

The 1xbet online casino School is accepting nominations for the Timothy R. Donoghue 1xbet online casino Scholarships for the 2021-2022 academic year to support a maximum of10 masters and 20 doctoral applicants.

1xbet online casino Faculty

Recognize outstanding graduating students with Alumni Association Awards

Nomination Deadline: Feb. 16

Cheer on your students – Attend the Three Minute Thesis Competition

Thirty-six 1xbet online casino students representing 21 programs are registered for the annual 3MT! Visit the 3MT website to view presentation titles for the first round of competition on February 19. Zoom links for first round heats coming soon!

Engage in service - volunteer to be a Judge at the K-State GRAD Forum

Commerce Bank and WT Kemper Foundation Distinguished 1xbet online casino Faculty Award

Nomination Deadline: May 16

1xbet online casino Student Success

Encourage participation – Deadline extended to share research at K-GRAD

The registration deadline for the K-State 1xbet online casino Research, Arts, and Discovery Forum has been extended to February 17, 11:59pm. Encourage your students to register to share their research and gain presentation experience.

Facilitate Timely Degree Progress

To ensure a smooth route to graduation, please work with your students to submit a program of study by completion of 9 1xbet online casino hours. Having a program of study on file early in their 1xbet online casino career makes degree expectations clear for the student and supervisory committee. This also makes processing more efficient for 1xbet online casino School degree analysts when the student has several forms and documents to submit for graduation. 1xbet online games login School forms.

Results of Student Success Survey

In January, the Office of Student Success distributed a brief survey to K-State students asking about their K-State experience during the pandemic and how confident they are in continuing their studies at K-State for spring 2021. Here we provide a summary of 1xbet online casino student* survey responses.

  • 694 1xbet online casino students completed the survey (approx. 17% of 1xbet online casino student population)
  • In response to the statement, “I am confident that I will continue my studies at K-State for the spring 2021 semester,” 92% of 1xbet online casino students responded “strongly agree” or “agree”.

*College of APDesign students were not included in this survey because they received a similar survey from their college prior to distribution of the Office of Student Success survey.

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

View the 1xbet online casino School’s full 1xbet sports bettin.

Register for the K-State 1xbet online casino Research, Arts, and Discover

Registration deadline: Feb. 17

2023-2024 events 1xbet sports betting

Feb. 18, 1:00-5:00pm

Capitol 1xbet online casino Researc

Feb. 18-25

Three Minute Thesis Competition

First round - Feb. 19, 11:00am
Final round - Feb. 24, 3:00pm

Managing Citations and References library workshop

Feb. 22, 1:30pm

1xbet online casino Student Virtual Coffee Chat with the Dean

Feb. 23, noon-1:00pm

Grad Edge: 1xbet online sports betting Development Program

February 24, 7:00-8:30pm

1xbet online casino Student Town Hall with the Dean

Feb. 25

1xbet online casino Student Council Trave

Application deadline: March 1 for events that begin anytime in May

Starting Your Literature Review in the Sciences library workshop

March 1, 1:30pm

Alvin and RosaLee Sarachek Predoctoral Honors 1xbet online games login and Travel

Application deadline: March 2
