Undergraduate programs 1xbet online games login

Individuals, businesses, and governments face many important economic decisions. Should the individual attend college or accept a job offer? Should the business expand into a new region? Should the government raise payroll taxes to assure the financial viability of social security? Should government impose tariffs on imports from China and place stronger limits on immigration?

Economists study the implications of such decisions and how these decisions impact our lives. The well-trained economist has a solid understanding of economic theory as well as the technical tools to apply this theory to make informed choices. Not surprisingly, these skills are valuable in the job market. They also help students prepare for graduate studies in 1xbet online games login , law, or related fields.

Degree Options

The Department of 1xbet online games login offers undergraduate programs leading to the B.A. or B.S. degree. In addition, many students complement their major area of study with a 1xbet best casino website in Econom. Students with an outstanding academic record can join our Accelerated Masters 1xbet on leading to an undergraduate degree in 1xbet online games login at the end of four years of study and a master of arts in 1xbet online games login at the end of five.

Specialized Tracks

In earning a B.A. or B.S degree, students choose between the General 1xbet online g and four different specialized 1xbet o. The general degree is designed for flexibility. It works well for those who want to choose their own area of emphasis or perhaps earn a second major in another field. Many students prefer to specialize in a more narrow area of 1xbet online games login and choose one of the tracks within the major. The tracks are designed to give students the opportunity to develop those skills most relevant to a specific area within 1xbet online games login .

Other Opportunities

1xbet online s The department currently awards nearly thirty undergraduate scholarships and this number is on the rise.

K-State Department o The department’s mentoring program pairs students with alumni who have achieved success in an area of the student’s interest. The program is a great way to make a connection for the future and explore life after graduation with a mentor dedicated to students’ advancement.

student 1xbet online casino Org: The 1xbet online games login Club is dedicated to connecting students who share an interest in 1xbet online games login and providing an exciting atmosphere where this interest can flourish. Meetings generally feature speakers from academia or industry who use 1xbet online games login in their daily lives. The club hosts a high profile debate series, with renowned economists discussing the biggest issues in 1xbet online games login . The club has frequent social outings and arranges a field trip each year. Recent trips include Chicago, Topeka, and Boston. Next up is Washington D.C.

Undergraduate Research: Students are encouraged to apply their learning by working with a professor on a research topic of their choosing. Students completing research have numerous ways to showcase their work, including a yearly trip to the Dallas Federal Reserve. At this conference, 1xbet online games login students from all over the country present their research and network.