dr 1xbet online sports betting. Lloyd B. Thomas, Jr.

Lloyd B. Thomas, Jr. Ph.D., Northwestern 1xbet online sports betting , 1970

Monetary Economics, Applied Macroeconomics

322 Waters Hall
Dr. llo

Thomas is Professor of Economics. He has served in the past as Department Head and Director of Graduate Studies and on numerous Department committees. He has been a visiting associate professor or professor at the 1xbet online sports betting of California-Berkeley, the 1xbet online sports betting of Delaware, Indiana 1xbet online sports betting -Bloomington, and Adelaide 1xbet online sports betting in Australia. He has also gained teaching experience at Northwestern 1xbet online sports betting , Florida State 1xbet online sports betting , and the 1xbet online sports betting of Idaho.

Thomas has written several textbooks, including Money, Banking, and Economic Activity (3rd edition, Prentice-Hall, 1986), Principles of Economics (2nd edition, Dryden, 1993, with James Ragan), and Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, (Thomson/Southwestern, 2006). His research has appeared in such journals as Southern Economic Journal, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Economic Letters, Kyklos, Public Finance Quarterly, and Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. His current research projects include accuracy and rationality of various economic forecasts, and the role of expected federal budget deficits on the level and term structure of interest rates. Thomas's newest book, The Financial Crisis and Federal Reserve Policy was published by Palgrave-Macmillan in March 2011.