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William F. BlankenauPh.D., University of Iowa, 1997

Macroeconomics, Growth, Econometrics

340 Waters Hall

Blankenau is a Professor of 1xbet online games login . He received a B.S. degree in 1xbet online games login and finance from the University of Nebraska, an M.A. degree in 1xbet online games login from Colorado State University, and a Ph.D. in 1xbet online games login from the University of Iowa. He taught at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater prior to his appointment at K-State and was a visiting professor at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Blankenau's research interests include macroeconomics and growth. Much of his work investigates the macroeconomic consequences of education policy. His work has appeared in journals such as Review of Economic Dynamics, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Economic Theory, and Journal of Development 1xbet online games login .