General 1xbet online games login Option

The department offers both a general 1xbet online games login option and four different specialized tracks. The general 1xbet online games login is designed for flexibility. It works well for those who want to choose their own area of emphasis or perhaps earn a second major in another field. Both a B.A. and B.S. 1xbet online games login are available through the general 1xbet online games login option.

This 1xbet online games login requires at least 120 credit hours. Aside from the College of Arts and Sciences requirements, the 1xbet online games login requirements are:

  • Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Principles of Microeconomics
  • Intermediate Macroeconomics
  • Intermediate Microeconomics or Intermediate Micro Theory
  • Senior Seminar in Economics
  • Five other economics courses at the 500 level or above (other than 505 or 523).
  • Statistics 325, 340, 350, 510, 702, or 703
  • Stat 351, 511, or 705
  • Math 205 or Math 220

Students are also strongly encouraged to take Sophomore/Junior Seminar in Economics (Econ 401).

The general 1xbet online games login option allows considerable flexibility in the choice of economics courses and free electives. The B.S. option allows 39 credit hours of free electives while the B.A. option allows 32.

The links below provide more detailed information: