Graduate Faculty - 1xbet online sports betting

The following economics department faculty members participate in the graduate program by teaching graduate courses, writing qualifying and field exams, advising dissertations, and coauthoring papers with graduate students.

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Lance Bachmeier
Associate Professor
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Research areas: Macroeconomics and 1xbet online sports betting .

Bachmeier teaches a core 1xbet online sports betting course for the PhD program and field courses in time series 1xbet online sports betting and macroeconometrics. He has published in journals including The Review of Economics and Statistics, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Economic Inquiry, and Economics Letters. He is an associate editor of Energy Economics and co-editor of ERN Global Commodity Issues.

Zheng Fang
Assistant Professor

Research areas: 1xbet online sports betting .

Fang teaches a field course in microeconometrics and panel data. His recent research includes "Optimal Plug-in Estimators of Directionally Differentiable Functionals" and "Inference on Directionally Differentiable Functions".

Yoon-Jin Lee
Assistant Professor
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Research areas: 1xbet online sports betting .

Lee teaches a core 1xbet online sports betting course for the PhD program. Her research has been published in Review of Economic Studies, Journal of 1xbet online sports betting , Annals of Statistics, Econometric Theory, and Journal of Time Series Analysis.