Graduate Faculty - Industrial organization 1xbet sports betting

The following 1xbet sports betting department faculty members participate in the graduate program by teaching graduate courses, writing qualifying and field exams, advising dissertations, and coauthoring papers with graduate students.

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Yang-Ming Chang

Dr. Yang

Research areas: International trade and industrial organization.

Chang teaches a core microeconomics course for the PhD program. His work has appeared in journals such as Journal of Political Economy, Canadian Journal of 1xbet sports betting , Southern Economic Journal, Labour 1xbet sports betting , Journal of Population 1xbet sports betting , and 1xbet sports betting Letters.

Philip Gayle
Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Dr. phi

Research areas: Industrial organization.

Gayle teaches a core microeconomics course for the PhD program and a field course in industrial organization. His work has appeared in journals such as Journal of Law and 1xbet sports betting , International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Regulatory 1xbet sports betting , Southern Economic Journal, 1xbet sports betting Letters, and Applied 1xbet sports betting .

Jin Wang
Assistant Professor
Dr. Jin

Research areas: Industrial organization.

Wang teaches a field course in industrial organization. Her recent research includes "Do Birds of A Feather Flock Together? Platform’s Quality Screening and End-Users’ Choices: Theory and Empirical Study of Online Trading Platforms", "Quality Screening in Two-Sided Markets and Optimal Standards", and "A Study of Quality Revelation and Consumer Search".