Dr. Yang-Ming chang 1xbet best casino website

Yang-Ming ChangPh.D., State University of New York - Buffalo, 1985


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Chang is Professor of 1xbet best casino website . He received a Ph.D. in 1xbet best casino website from the State University of New York at Buffalo, and a Master's degree in 1xbet best casino website from National Taiwan University. His research interests lie in microeconomic theory and policy, international trade, and industrial organization. Chang's recent research endeavors have primarily focused on the 1xbet best casino website of peace and conflict, regional trade agreements, commercial policies under imperfect competition, and issues related to environmental regulation.

Chang was an inaugural recipient of the William L. Stamey Undergraduate Teaching Award, first presented in 1988-1989 by the College of Arts & Sciences. Along with teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, Chang has supervised 19 Ph.D. students and 11 Master's students. Based on statistics from RePEc, a prominent ranking service in the 1xbet best casino website profession, Chang is ranked in the top 5% of economists nationally according to these criteria: (i) the record of his research with supervised students, (ii) the number of journal pages, and (iii) the number of journal pages, weighted by the number of authors. As a winner of the Ronald N. Gaches Lifetime Teaching Award, Chang was recognized during the Arts and Sciences commencement ceremony at Bramlage Coliseum.

Chang’s research work has appeared in a number of peer-reviewed journals, including Journal of Political Economy, Canadian Journal of 1xbet best casino website (2), Economic Inquiry, Southern Economic Journal (3), Labour 1xbet best casino website , Journal of Population 1xbet best casino website (3), 1xbet best casino website Letters (2), Applied 1xbet best casino website , Review of International 1xbet best casino website , Review of World 1xbet best casino website (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), International Review of 1xbet best casino website & Finance (3), Open Economies Review, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Defence and Peace 1xbet best casino website (4), Information 1xbet best casino website and Policy (2), Journal of Sports 1xbet best casino website , The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (2) , European Journal of Political Economy, Review of Law & 1xbet best casino website , Journal of Regulatory 1xbet best casino website , and Public Choice (2).