Dr. valerie 1xbet online games login Bostwick

Valerie Bostwick
Ph.D., University of California Santa Barbara

1xbet online games login of Education, Labor 1xbet online games login , Applied Microeconomics

337 Waters Hall
Website: https://vkbostwick.weebly.com/

Valerie Bostwick is an Assistant Professor in the Department of 1xbet online games login . She earned her Ph.D. in 1xbet online games login from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2016 and a B.A. in 1xbet online games login & Political Economy from Princeton University in 2007.

Dr. Bostwick's research focuses on the 1xbet online games login of education, with a particular interest in policy-relevant issues affecting post-secondary students. Her recent work highlighting the importance of female peers in doctoral STEM programs has been featured by press outlets such as Inside Higher Ed and Science magazine.