Series on economic 1xbet online games login Prosperity

The K-State Speaker Series on Economic Prosperity is underwritten by the Fred and Mary Koch Foundation. This lecture series was established in 2009 and speakers typically demonstrate why they believe certain societies are more prosperous than others. The speaker is typically a respected faculty member from another 1xbet online games login who has some insight on the causes of economic prosperity. this lecture is a public lecture that is accessible to a general audience and is hosted by the Kansas State 1xbet online games login Economics Club. This Lecture is scheduled to be given twice a year.

Monday, April 28, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. in Waters 328
Charity-Joy Acchiardo - 1xbet online games login of Arizona

Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 6:30 PM in Regnier Forum
Jayson Lusk, Purdue 1xbet online games login “A Discussion about the Food Police

Dirk Mateer, 1xbet online games login of Arizona - October 2011 and September 2017

David R. Henderson, Hoover Institution at Stanford 1xbet online games login - January 2017

Don Boudreaux, George Mason 1xbet online games login - April 2012 and February 2016

Bryan Riley, The Heritage Foundation - February 2015

Cary Deck, 1xbet online games login of Arkansas - October 2012

Roger Garrison, Auburn 1xbet online games login - April 2011

David E. R. Gay, 1xbet online games login of Arkansas - May 2010

Brian Brenberg, Kings College - November 2010