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Building a Culture of 1xbet online casino Through Cultural Humility

KSUnite DEIB Conference Day 3 - November 16, 2022 - Concurrent Conference Sessions Period 3 (8:30am-9:30am)
Room 227

In this interactive workshop, the presenters will share the concept of cultural humility and explore how this framework can serve as a bridge to building inclusive spaces and belonging across our 1xbet online casino . Participants will be encouraged to reflect on different ways this concept can be implemented in their respective campus spaces. Together, we will have the opportunity to discuss how acquiring cultural humility in our daily practices with students, faculty and staff can be a building block toward our journey to justice.

DEIB Challenge Level: Intermediate

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Rebeca Paz

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Office of First-generation 1xbet online casino

Graciela Berumen

Dr. 1xbet online casino Beruman
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1xbet online casino and Multicultural Student Affairs

Karina Moncayo-Michel

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Program 1xbet online casino
Staley School of 1xbet online casino Studies

1xbet online casino Paz, holds a master’s degree in Counseling from Missouri State University. A native of Bolivia, she is proud of 1xbet online casino Latina heritage and committed to the advancement of under-represented students at K-State and to the work of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. She enjoys traveling with 1xbet online casino family and learning about other cultures.

Rebeca is one of the five founding members of Alianza, the Latinx faculty/staff affinity group at Kansas State University. Throughout 1xbet online casino extensive career in higher education, she has served in several capacities working with retention programs, specifically programs that support first-generation and underrepresented students. She continues to serve in university committees and being a consistent student advocate. She is a recipient of the 2008-2009 Commerce Bank Award for Distinguished Services to Under-represented students at Kansas State University. Rebeca currently serves as assistant director for the Office of First-generation Students at K-State and leads the 2019 First-gen Forward Midwest Cohort in collaboration with NASPA, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators.

Dr. Graciela Berumen is the Assistant Director of Diversity and Multicultural Student Affairs for Diversity and Multicultural Student Affairs at Kansas State University. She received 1xbet online casino Bachelors in Spanish and Master in Second Language Acquisition and a Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from Kansas State University. She has a graduate certificate in Teaching and Learning and is ESL certified. Dr. Berumen's research interests include first-generation college students, global education outreach, language acquisition, culture, equity, inclusivity, access, and identity in Education.

Originally from California, 1xbet online casino interests stem from 1xbet online casino upbringing as well as 1xbet online casino love for language, education and raising two bilingual sons. Graciela considers 1xbet online casino work as an educator and as a board member for the Tonantzin Society, Harvesters, The YWCA and 1xbet online casino membership in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., as a way to give back to the community and encourage others who like herself are proud children of immigrants to embrace their heritage, pursue their academic dreams and join the fight for social justice. 1xbet online casino passion for equity in education and 1xbet online casino love for 1xbet online casino students inspired the birth of 1xbet online casino non-profit: BE F1rst. BE F1RST is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to offering one-on-one support, mentoring and scholarships for first-generation students and families.

The belief in the transformational power of conversations surrounding equity and inclusion also led to the creation of Becoming Equitable, LLC. Becoming Equitable offers onsite and virtual consulting, lead by women of color who focus on facilitating discussions around 1xbet online casino , equity, inclusion and belonging.

In 1xbet online casino free time, Graciela enjoys spending time with 1xbet online casino sons, family and engaging in social activism.

Karina Moncayo-Michel is a graduate of Kansas State Universities College Student Development, M.S. program. Still early in 1xbet online casino career in higher education, Karina serves as a program assistant at the Staley School of Leadership at Kansas State University, coordinating multiple student focused programs. Through 1xbet online casino graduate work, she had the opportunity to connect with and assist in programming specifically for first-generation and underrepresented students at K-State. Karina hopes to continue creating spaces of understanding and learning throughout 1xbet online casino career.

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