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1xbet online sports betting Justice

Increasing 1xbet online sports betting Awareness Through Storytelling Work
Bluemont Room, 2:00-2:40pm (Session Period 1)

The target audience will be faculty, staff, students, administrators, and community members interested in the concepts of 1xbet online sports betting justice and how storytelling can be used as a pedagogical tool in discussing 1xbet online sports betting challenges. The workshop will discuss two different story types taken from Lee Anne Bell's (2010) storytelling model including stock stories (stories that are told by the dominant group, passed on through history and celebrated through public rituals, law, the arts, education and media) and concealed stories (stories often told by people of marginalized communities that are often invisible in mainstream culture and that highlight how dominance and privilege work). Participants will also engage in hands-on, interactive storytelling exercises in order to better understand these concepts.


Lorenza Lockett

Dr. Lorenza Lockett
Assistant Professor of 1xbet online sports betting Work, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and 1xbet online sports betting Work

Dr. Lorenza Lockett is an Assistant Professor of 1xbet online sports betting Work at Kansas State University within the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and 1xbet online sports betting Work (SASW) in the College of Arts and Sciences, a position help since 2015. Dr. Lockett began his teaching career as an Instructor at Kansas State University in 2008. He holds a BSW in 1xbet online sports betting Work from Kansas State University (1999); MSW in 1xbet online sports betting Work from Arizona State University (2006), and a PhD in Family Studies from Kansas State University (2015). He also has ten years of direct 1xbet online sports betting work practice in Kansas, Arizona, and Georgia.

Tess Hobson

Tess Hobson
PhD 1xbet online sports betting in 1xbet online sports betting Affairs and Higher Education

Tess Hobson received an M.S. in College Student Development from K-State in 2015 and a graduate certificate in 1xbet online sports betting Justice Education in 2019. She spent six years working with the Developing Scholars Program, an undergraduate research program for first-generation students and students from underrepresented backgrounds, and is now pursuing a Ph.D. in Student Affairs and Higher Education at K-State with a focus in 1xbet online sports betting Justice Education.

Aliah Mestrovich Seay

Aliah Mestrovich Seay
Instructor, 4-H Youth Development

Aliah Mestrovich Seay is a board certified Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapist and Intercultural Development Inventory Qualified Administrator. She worksfor the Department of 4-H Youth Development as a 4-H Youth Development State Specialist. Mestrovich Seayholds a B.S. degree in Clinical Psychology in French from the Université de Caen, Basse-Normandie, France and a M.A. Degree in Counseling Psychology, Marriage and Family Therapy from Argosy University in Orange County, California. She is currently a doctoral student in the 1xbet online sports betting Staley School of Leadership Studies. With over 20 years of cumulative experience in K-12, higher education, and the not-for-profit sectors, Aliah’s professional and research interests involve intercultural coaching and training techniques that focus on cultural identity development, mindfulness, and finding innovative ways to engage with difference differently.

Onyedikachi (Kachi) Ekwerike

Onyedikachi (Kachi) Ekwerike
PhD 1xbet online sports betting in Leadership Communication

Kachi is a doctoral 1xbet online sports betting in the Leadership Communication PhD program. He has a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and he’s the founder of Postpartum Support Network Africa, a leading maternal mental health nonprofit in Nigeria.

Melitza Ramirez

Melitza Ramirez
Master's 1xbet online sports betting in Public Health

I amMelitza Ramirez fromDodge City, Kansas.

I just graduated with my bachelor's in Kinesiology from K 1xbet online sports betting and will be continuing my education by pursuing a Master in Public Health Degree with afocus on physical activity. My future career goal is to become a health communications specialist. I love to run and workout!