ࡱ>   bjbj 4aa%NNNNNbbb8LbF.j:"HFJFJFJFJFJFJF$GJnFNHHHnFNNFLLLHFNNHFLHHFLLAD`SjB"4FF0FC;K;KDD;KND8"LYnFnFFHHHH;K : The 2012-2013 Diversity Report to The Presidents Commission on Multicultural Affairs(Colleges)College: _________________________ Date Submitted: ___________________Contact: _________________________ Title: ____________________________ Phone: _________________________ E-mail: ___________________________Leadership, Planning, and Accountability for DiversityDescribe the infrastructure the college has in place to lead, coordinate, and measure efforts to promote diversity. Please address the following:A. Deans leadership effortsDiversity Point Person: Name, title, and responsibilitiesStrategic Plan for Diversity: Status of planning, diversity goals, and action itemsDiversity Committee: List of members, titles, and activities during 2012-2013Recruitment and Retention of Historically Under-represented StudentsDescribe recruitment activities aimed at increasing the number of students from historically under-represented groups.Describe retention activities aimed at helping students from historically under-represented groups to persist and graduate, including any evaluation data or metrics associated with existing efforts (e.g. program retention rates).Please attach as Appendix A the data regarding the number of students broken down by gender and race/ethnicity. The 2012 information has been compiled from institutional databases and may be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www.k-state.edu/diversity/pcma/appendixa.html" http://www.k-state.edu/diversity/pcma/appendixa.html. Please review these data and make comments about the Colleges status and trends. Recruitment and Retention of Historically Under-represented Faculty and StaffFacultyDescribe strategies you are using to increase faculty diversity.Describe activities related to the retention of faculty from historically under-represented groups.Please attach as Appendix B the data regarding the number of faculty members broken down by gender, race/ethnicity, and instructional category. The 2012 information has been compiled from institutional databases and may be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www.k-state.edu/diversity/pcma/appendixb.htlm" http://www.k-state.edu/diversity/pcma/appendixb.htlm. Please review these data and make comments about the Colleges status and notable trends. Using the table below, please provide tenure and promotion data for instructional faculty in the 2012-2013 academic year.Name of College2012-2013 Academic YearTenure and Promotion for Instructional Faculty by Gender, Race/Ethnicity and Job CategoryTenureAssociate ProfessorFull ProfessorTotal Number AcceptedAppliedAcceptedAppliedAcceptedAppliedAcceptedMaleFemaleWhiteAfricanAmericanHispanicAsian/Pacific IslanderNative AmericanOtherTotalStaffDescribe strategies you are using to increase the historically under-represented staff in your college.Describe activities related to the retention of historically under-represented staff in your college, including any formal mentorship programs.Please attach as Appendix C the data regarding the number of staff by gender, race/ethnicity, and job category. The 2012 information has been compiled from institutional databases and may be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www.k-state.edu/diversity/pcma/appendixc.html" http://www.k-state.edu/diversity/pcma/appendixc.html. Please review these data and make comments about the Colleges status and notable trends. Multicultural Curriculum TransformationDescribe efforts to assess courses for multicultural content and pedagogies for diversity.Describe efforts to infuse courses with multicultural content and/or to promote or support the Tilford Group Multicultural Competencies.Describe efforts to build, expand, or support American Ethnic Studies, Womens Studies, Latin American Studies, Native American Studies, African languages, etc.Diversity PartnershipsDescribe the nature of any partnerships or relationships with the following types of institutions: Historically Black Colleges and UniversitiesHispanic Serving InstitutionsTribal Colleges and UniversitiesInternational institutions in:AfricaThe CaribbeanLatin AmericaAsia and the Pacific RimDescribe the nature of any private sector partnerships for the advancement of K-State diversity.Describe any other partnerships for the advancement of K-State diversity.Fundraising for DiversityA. Development/Fundraising: Using the template below, please summarize funding for diversity initiatives and programs in 2012-2013. Funding may come from an internal source such as the Office of the Provost or from an external source such as a private donor or a corporation. Please identify any pending development activities.Name of College Summary of Funds Raised for Diversity2012-2013AmountPurposeSource of FundsTotalGrants to Support Diversity: Using the template below, please describe any grants that supported diversity efforts in 2012-2013. Grants may come from any local, state, or federal, or foundation source. Please identify any pending grants.Name of CollegeSummary of Grants for Diversity Programming2012-2013AmountPurposeSource of FundsTotalEnhancing the Community, Climate, and Centrality of Diversity Describe education, training and/or other methodologies used to enhance the cultural competence of people who work in the College.List diversity-related events sponsored by the College.List any faculty or staff who has participated in diversity-related events and activities.Faculty and Staff Scholarship on Diversity-Related TopicsResearch Publications Presentations Awards Received for Diversity Excellence by Individuals or the Unit/DepartmentUniversity awardsState or national awardsProfessional association awardsMulticultural Alumni EngagementDescribe efforts to engage multicultural alumni.Describe ways in which multicultural alumni participate in the unit.Comments/SuggestionsAppendicesStudent Enrollments by Gender and Race/EthnicityInstructional Faculty by Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Instructional CategoryStaff by Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Job CategoryPAGE PAGE 4 #(XYabceo ! = ? @ J T U V Z i v w x }yhlMhrBzh4 hSs5 hrBz5hSsh4Dx5hSsh}*5 h4R5hSshI#5hI# hVh_u5B*CJaJphp0 hVhV5B*CJaJphp0hV5CJaJh_u5CJaJhY5CJaJhSs5CJaJhI#5CJaJ- $Xcde> ? @ w x ) d  & F18gd;18^8`gd;1^gdi`0 1^gd;gdrBz & FF^gd;!dhgd4R$a$ 3 4 9 : ? 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