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Please address the following:Unit leaders diversity effortsStrategic Plan for Diversity: Status of planning, diversity goals, and action itemsDiversity Committee: List of members, titles, and activities during 2012-2013Recruitment and Retention of Historically Under-represented StudentsDescribe recruitment activities aimed at increasing the numbers of students from historically under-represented groups.Describe retention activities aimed at helping students from historically under-represented groups to persist and graduate, including any evaluation or metrics associated with existing efforts (e.g. program retention rates).III. Recruitment and Retention of Historically Under-represented Employees FacultyDescribe participation in activities related to the recruitment of faculty from historically under-represented groups.Describe participation in activities related to the retention of faculty from historically under-represented groups.Appendix A to this report calls for data regarding the number of faculty by gender, race/ethnicity, and culture in your unit. The most recent data , if applicable, have been pulled from institutional databases and is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.k-state.edu/diversity/pcma/appendixb.html" http://www.k-state.edu/diversity/pcma/appendixb.html. Please review these data and comment on trends and notable changes in the space below.StaffDescribe participation in activities related to the recruitment of staff from historically under-represented groups.Describe activities related to the retention of staff from historically under-represented groups, including any formal mentorship programs.Appendix B to this report calls for data regarding the number of staff by gender, race/ethnicity, and job category. The most recent data have been pulled and is available at  HYPERLINK "http://www.k-state.edu/diversity/pcma/appendixc.html" http://www.k-state.edu/diversity/pcma/appendixc.html. Please review these data and comment on trends and notable changes in the space below.Multicultural Curriculum TransformationDescribe efforts to assess co-curricular programs and activities for multicultural content.Describe efforts to infuse co-curricular programs and activities with multicultural content. Describe efforts to promote the Tilford Group Multicultural Competencies.Diversity Partnerships Describe the nature of any partnerships or relationships with the following types of institutions: Historically Black Colleges and UniversitiesHispanic Serving InstitutionsTribal Colleges and UniversitiesInternational institutions in:AfricaThe CaribbeanLatin AmericaAsia and the Pacific RimDescribe the nature of any partnerships you might have with the private sector to enhance or promote diversity at K-State.Describe any other key partnerships for the advancement of diversity at K-State.Fundraising for DiversityUsing the template below, please summarize funding for diversity initiatives and programs. Funding may come from an internal source such as the Office of the Provost or from an external source such as a private donor.Name of Unit or Department Summary of Funds Raised for Diversity2012-2013AmountPurposeSource of FundsTotalGrants to Support Diversity: Using the template below, please describe any grants awarded to your unit to support diversity efforts.Name of Unit or DepartmentSummary of Grants for Diversity Programming2012-2013AmountPurposeSource of FundsTotalEnhancing the Community, Climate, and Centrality of Diversity Describe education, training, and other methodologies used to enhance the cultural competence of people who work in the Unit/Department.List diversity-related events sponsored by the Unit/Department.Describe the participation of the Unit/Department in diversity-related campus events and activities.Faculty and Staff Scholarship on Diversity-Related TopicsResearch Publications Presentations IX. Awards Received for Diversity Excellence by Individuals or the Unit/DepartmentUniversity awardsState or national awardsProfessional association awardsMulticultural Alumni EngagementDescribe efforts to engage multicultural alumni.Describe ways in which multicultural alumni support the unit.Comments/SuggestionsAppendicesDoes not applyInstructional Faculty by Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Instructional CategoryStaff by Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Job CategoryPAGE PAGE 3(37gh  $ G O j k m n p   7 8 D ʹʹ{wwswhuhbhkE hI#5hbhN55 hu5 h8A5hN5hN55 hr305 hN55 hgL5hN5hI#5hI# h8Ah5B*CJaJphp0 h8Ah8A5B*CJaJphp0hv5CJaJhN55CJaJhI#5CJaJhQ 5CJaJ-/3g k l m 8 9 Y C & F^gdu & F18^8gdu 1^gdu1 0^`0gdu!$a$C D k & F8^8gd.XgdU% & F]^gdu  & F^gdu^`gdWs  & F8^8gdu 11^1 0^`0gdu1  & F8^8gdu 1h^hD  " 6 ] $(FcitO\]t  ?@M̸h.XhI#]h?h.X h.X] hI#5h.XhI#>*h}h`hF0J hFhFhFjhFUhU%hhuhWs>*hbh`hQ h8AhWshuhI#8%&NO STlm>] & Fp^gdWa ^ & F 18^8gdWa1gdo & F gdWa1 & F^gdWa1^1 & F^gd.XRS_#$%&4?MOj RSTm >L|||xtphfhm:h1hoh hI#5 ho5 hWa5 h5hI# h7qhI# hMi]h`ah`a]h`ahI#]h`ah?] h`a6]h`hF0J6]hFhF6] hF6]jhF6U]h.XhI#]h.Xh?]*LM]sZfght_go rs{'(Gcd~~y hm:5h7q5OJQJ^J hI#\hm:hI#\hm: h7qhI#hI#OJQJ^JhI#OJQJ\^JhI#5B*\phhD5OJQJ^JhkE5OJQJ^JhI#5OJQJ^J hI#5 hD5hI#h}hDhfhWa/]^esgh^_{ $$Ifa$$8^8a$$ & F8^8a$gdWa$h^ha$$ & F^a$gdWa & F 18^8gdWa 7`7 & F^gdWagdDyyy $$Ifa$pkd$$Ifl4      $0!   t 064 la8f4p  $$Ifa$gdD{rrr $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl      F$            t06    4 la8{rrr $$Ifa$kdE$$Ifl      F$   t06    4 la8{rrr $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl      F$   t06    4 la8{rrr $$Ifa$kdW$$Ifl      F$   t06    4 la8{rrr $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl      F$   t06    4 la8{rrr $$Ifa$kd[$$Ifl      F$   t06    4 la8{rrr $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl      F$     t06    4 la8rs{l_VVJ $$Ifa$gd7q $$Ifa$ $11^1a$$ & F8^8a$gd3^kdm$$Ifl      F$   t06    4 la8 $$Ifa$pkd$$Ifl4      $0!   t 064 la8f4p {rrr $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl      F$            t06    4 la8{rrr $$Ifa$kdl$$Ifl      F$    t06    4 la8{rrr $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl      F$   t06    4 la8{rrr $$Ifa$kd~$$Ifl      F$   t06    4 la8{rrr $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl      F$   t06    4 la8{rrr $$Ifa$kd$$Ifl      F$   t06    4 la8{rrr $$Ifa$kd $$Ifl      F$     t06    4 la8FGuv{nb\PPPN & F 8^8gd3^h^h & F^gd3^ $11^1a$kd $$Ifl      F$   t06    4 la86BW^v +->?y  Ժƪۺơh\jh\UhMihMi5 hMi5hm:h`h`5h`hj[95 h3^h` h3^5 hj[95 h`5h} h3^hI# h3^hj[9 hI#5 h5hdQhhkEhI#hv7v,-?Xxy$a$gd`$ & F0`0a$gd3^$8^8`a$gd3^$ & F8^8a$gd3^$0^`0a$gd3^ $^a$gd`$ & F 8^8a$gd3^$1a$$ & F^a$gd3^   +,;&`#$ $ & Fa$gdMi $^a$gdMi$ & F^a$gd3^$8^8`a$gd3^$ & F8^8a$gd3^hMi0JmHnHuhI# hI#0JjhI#0JUh\ $ & Fa$gdMi&`#$,1h/ =!"#$% $$If8!vh#v0!:V l4   t 0650!4a8f4p $$If8!vh#v :V l t065 /  / 4a8$$If8!vh#v :V l t065 / 4a8$$If8!vh#v :V l t065 4a8$$If8!vh#v :V l t065 4a8$$If8!vh#v :V l t065 4a8$$If8!vh#v :V l t065 4a8$$If8!vh#v :V l t065 / 4a8$$If8!vh#v :V l t065 / / / 4a8$$If8!vh#v0!:V l4   t 0650!/ 4a8f4p $$If8!vh#v :V l t065 /  / 4a8$$If8!vh#v :V l t065 / 4a8$$If8!vh#v :V l t065 4a8$$If8!vh#v :V l t065 4a8$$If8!vh#v :V l t065 4a8$$If8!vh#v :V l t065 4a8$$If8!vh#v :V l t065 / 4a8$$If8!vh#v :V l t065 / / / 4a8^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH N@N  Heading 1$$@&a$5CJOJQJ^JDA`D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 6"@6 Caption h^h5H@H  Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJ4 @4 Footer!.)@!. 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