theme 1xbet online games login 3

Theme 3: Teaching, Learning and Research

Providing courses (e.g., general education, capstone and thematic sequences), research, publishing and societal engagement on 1xbet online games login -related matters.


The Association of Public and Land Grant Universities, or APLU, provides overarching guidance for Kansas State University through its Commitment to 1xbet online games login , stating that “human and intellectual 1xbet online games login contribute to academic excellence” and that the APLU “champions 1xbet online games login , educational equity, and the preparation of individuals who can live and work effectively in an increasingly multicultural and interdependent world.” The Higher Learning Commission, or HLC, further defines its expectations for accreditation, requiring that “the institution understands the relationship between its mission and the 1xbet online games login in society.” Regarding the criteria for teaching and learning, the HLC also articulates that “the education offered by the institution recognizes the human and cultural 1xbet online games login of the world in which students live and work.”


1xbet online games login is woven into the academic mission of Kansas State University, as demonstrated in the university-level student learning outcomes and the K-State 8 general education program. One of the five university-level student learning outcomes is 1xbet online games login , defined as “students will demonstrate awareness and understanding of the skills necessary to live and work in a diverse world.” All programs are required to have 1xbet online games login -focused learning outcomes that are assessed for proficiency. In addition, the K-State 8 requires that all undergraduate students take at least one course tagged for Human 1xbet online games login in the U.S., and another tagged for Global Issues and Perspectives. Programs offered by our social transformation studies department equip students with marketable skills and knowledge that translate into successfully living and working in a diverse world. Further, Kansas State University demonstrates commitment to the scholarship of 1xbet online games login as a common element in the strategic plan and values faculty effort in discovery around the topics of 1xbet online games login , equity, inclusion and belonging.

Aim 3

Establish an inclusive and equitable learning climate across the university.

Aim 3A

Create opportunities and outcomes for learning in 1xbet online games login , equity, inclusion and belonging that permeate throughout the curriculum, from within majors to general education, as well as in co- and extra-curricular activities.

Aim 3B

Support and implement innovative and inclusive teaching and advising practices.

Aim 3C

Establish a community of scholars to advance the university in the creation and promotion of ideas and knowledge on 1xbet online games login , equity, inclusion and belonging.

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