8. Implement a "Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation" framework 1xbet sports betting

To develop and track progress on co-curricular equity initiatives, the university will implement a "Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation" (1xbet sports betting ) framework through Student Life modeled after a national program developed by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U).

Status: Launched

  • Announcement

    AAC&U announced today (November 17, 2022) that K-State has been designated as a Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Center campus. You can find the press release here: https://www.aacu.org/newsroom/16-institutions-hosting-new-1xbet sports betting -campus-centers.

    You can find K-State's 1xbet sports betting Campus Center Action Plan by clicking on this link.
  • 3/29/22 Final Update:
    • Kansas State University applied to attend the 2022 Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (1xbet sports betting ) Summer Institute on June 21-24. The Institute on 1xbet sports betting Campus Centers is designed to help campus teams identify evidence-based strategies that support their vision of what their communities look and feel like when the belief in a hierarchy of human values no longer exists.
    • The campus team is charged with establishing strategic goals that align with their institution's vision and the 1xbet sports betting Framework, identifying steps for achieving those goals, and developing plans for evaluation, communications, engagement and sustainability.
    • The K-State campus team will include representation from the Diversity and Inclusion Office (Dr. Be Stoney), Division of Student Life (Dr. Thomas Lane), Provost Office (Dr. Tanya Gonzalez), and a representative from the Manhattan City Manager's Office (Kristen Dolf). The K-State team will be led by Corey Williamson, who has served as the 1xbet sports betting action plan #8 team lead since 2021.
    • The K-State Campus Center Application has been accepted by the AAC&U
  • 1/27/22 Update:
    • Conducted interviews with five of the original 1xbet sports betting campus centers to obtain insight on best practices
    • 1xbet sports betting Action Plan Team members attended virtual programs at the following institutions
      • What's Your Story? Promoting Youth Literacy through storytelling and narrative. University of Maryland, BC
      • Participated in a virtual Racial Healing Circle experience at Rutgers University
      • Participated in a virtual Racial Healing Circle facilitator training at Rutgers University
    • 1xbet sports betting Action Plan Team collaborated with the Division of Student Life Development and Engagement Committee to host Dr. Kevin Sansberry keynote presentation on Creating Equitable & Inclusive Workplaces That Support Employment Retention on January 12, 2022. The program had 134 people registered with 84 attendees who checked in from various units throughout campus.
    • 1xbet sports betting Action Plan Team is drafting application to be invited to the 2022 Institute on Truth, Racial Healing, & Transformation Campus Centers scheduled on June 21-24, 2022.
  • 8/13/21 Update:
    • The work group is drafting an application to attend the 2022 1xbet sports betting Campus Center Summer Institute. Attending the 1xbet sports betting Campus Center Summer Institute is the first step toward becoming a recognized 1xbet sports betting Campus Center. This is a competitive process with application materials to be submitted by March 2022.
    • Additionally, the group coordinated a Recruiting & Hiring for Diversity & Inclusion Virtual Workshop facilitated by Dr. Kevin Sansberry on July 19 with 46 participants from the Division of 1xbet sports betting Life.
    • The group is working with the Division of 1xbet sports betting Life Leadership Council to make progress on departmental equity plans.
    • Finally, the group facilitated a survey to gather data from 1xbet sports betting Life units regarding perceived barriers and biases for K-State students. The data has been collected and is currently under review.
  • 4/28/21 Update:
  • 4/26/21 Update:
    • The Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation plan is completed with more information available soon.
    • Launch will begin in May with the introduction of healing spaces, healing seminars and workshops.
    • The plan includes additional programs to roll out over the summer and through the next academic year:
      • A Lift Every Voice podcast co-hosted with students — featuring interviews with university and 1xbet sports betting leaders and DEI champions and the latest information on DEI programs, initiatives, cultural enrichment and celebration at K-State — is planned to launch summer 2021.
      • The university will be seeking selection by the AAC&U as a Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Campus Center. Focusing on creating awareness about racism's effects and promoting racial and social justice, the Center is envisioned to be co-located with the K-State DREAMzone at the Morris Family Multicultural Center.

Sub-group reports

The lead administrator, advising group and working group established three sub-groups to divide the work: The 1xbet sports betting Model sub-group, the 1xbet sports betting Equity sub-group and the 1xbet sports betting Institutional Barriers and Biases sub-group. Select a group below to explore their action items and past progress.

Timeline and Milestones

A detailed planning matrix with action items, responsibile parties, target dates, measures of success and status is available from the action 1xbet sports betting below.

Accountable Administrators and Action 1xbet sports betting

This initiative is led by a lead administrator responsible for initiating and reporting on the progress of the initiative overall, an advising 1xbet sports betting and a working group.

Action Plan 1xbet sports betting Members

  • Corey Williamson, Executive Director, K-State 1xbet sports betting Union
  • Jason Maseberg Tomlinson, Director of 1xbet sports betting Access Center, DMSA
  • Debra Bolton, Director of Intercultural Learning and Academic Success, DMSA
  • Sara Heiman, Assistant Director, Center for 1xbet sports betting Involvement
  • Jennifer Miller, Health Promotion Director, Lafene Health Center
  • Kerri Keller, Executive Director, Career Center
  • Kodee Walls, Asst Director, Counseling Services
  • Brandon Haddock, Coordinator of LGBT Resource Center, DMSA
  • Kevin Cook, Assoc. Director, Housing and Dining
  • Brianna Presutti, Therapist, Counseling Services
  • Nate Armenta- Graduate 1xbet sports betting
  • Mia Schindler- Undergraduate 1xbet sports betting
  • Abby Aguilar- Undergraduate 1xbet sports betting
  • Jyothilakshmi Kalarikkal- Undergraduate 1xbet sports betting