2. Analyze and Make Recommendations on University Policies and 1xbet online casino Code of Conduct

This initiative focuses on analyzing and making recommendations regarding all university policies, including discrimination and harassment policies and the 1xbet online casino Code of Conduct, with the goal of identifying and addressing institutional bias and barriers through an anti-discriminatory lens.

Status: Launched

  • 3/30/2022: Status update to Launched. View final updates by sub-committee below.
  • 8/18/2021: The majority of the sub-committee reviews have been completed and launched or are in the final review stages. See below for updates on each of the sub-committee 1xbet online casino reviews.
  • 3/17/2021: The action team continues to move forward with key areas of concern in several distinct sub-committees/working groups. Updates by sub-committee can be viewed below.

Timeline and Milestones

Choose a sub-committee below to view the latest updates.

Accountable Administrators and Action Teams

This initiative is led by a core leadership team. The lead administrator identified below is responsible for initiating and reporting on the progress of the initiative overall.

Core leadership team

  • Charles Taber, Provost and Executive Vice President, lead administrator
  • Thomas Lane, Vice President for 1xbet online casino Life and Dean of Students
  • Shari Crittendon, General Counsel
  • Be Stoney, Interim Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
  • Adrian Rodriguez, Associate Vice President for 1xbet online casino Life and Diversity and Multicultural 1xbet online casino Affairs
  • Debbie Mercer, Dean, College of Education
  • Wayne Goins, Distinguished University Professor, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Cara Bruce, Sophomore, Pre-Law and Social Sciences and President, Black 1xbet online casino Union
  • Tanya Gonzalez, Professor, Department of English


The core leadership team has also charged five sub-committees to review specific 1xbet online casino areas. Choose a sub-committee below to view its members.