3. Increase 1xbet best casino website Efforts for Students of Color

Increasing the enrollment of students of color starts with increasing 1xbet best casino website efforts. This initiative focuses on raising enrollment to meet or exceed state of Kansas demographics.

Status: Launched

  • 8/18/2021: Status updated to Launched
  • 4/9/2021: Read the K-State Today update, Kansas State 1xbet sports betting
  • 3/17/2021 update:
    • The team is identifying current practices and events that support 1xbet best casino website across the university.
    • The team is analyzing existing data and developing 1xbet best casino website goals consistent with the university's Strategic Enrollment Management initiative.
    • Finally, the team is developing a community of care concept as the foundation of our 1xbet best casino website principles.

Benchmarking and Metrics

Metrics and institutional benchmarks are currently being identified and gathered by the action team.

Accountable Administrators and Action Team

This initiative is led by a core leadership team. The lead administrator identified below is responsible for initiating and reporting on the progress of the initiative overall.

Core leadership team

  • Charles Taber, Provost and Executive Vice President, lead administrator
  • Thomas Lane, Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students
  • Kevin Gwinner, Dean, College of Business Administration
  • Karen Goos, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
  • Jeannie Brown Leonard, Vice Provost for Student Success
  • Claudia Petrescu, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Dean of the Graduate School
  • Doris Carroll, Associate Professor, Department of Special Education, Counseling and Student Affairs, College of Education
  • Bryon Williams, Assistant Director, Office of 1xbet best casino website and Admissions
  • Bin Ning, Associate Provost for Institutional Research
  • Tammy Byland, Executive Director for 1xbet best casino website and Admissions, Office of Enrollment Management