1xbet sports betting

Curriculum management 1xbet sports betting System

Welcome to 1xbet sports betting - K-State's online curriculum development and management software. This site is designed for K-State faculty, staff, and administrators who are involved in adding, changing, or discontinuing curricula - both courses and programs.

1xbet sports betting has been adapted to replace the paper course and curriculum approval process. This curriculum management process is entirely online, including proposal forms, agendas, and the review and approval processes.

1xbet sports betting was released as a pilot implementation for course proposals during spring 2017. Beginning fall 2017, all colleges and committees are using 1xbet sports betting for course proposals.

  • Electronic forms to initiate course and curriculum updates
  • Import data directly from catalogs
  • Impact reports
  • Workflow to automatically route proposals through appropriate approval processes
  • Enhanced collaboration and approval tracking
  • Time savings
  • Electronic Interactive agendas

K-State faculty and staff may log in to 1xbet sports betting and view course proposals and agendas using their K-State eid and password.

To view on-line help guides, click on the Training link and then click Help. You may be prompted for your K-State eid and password. Suggested help guides for beginners include Getting Started and under the Proposals link “Proposals Module: "Overview” and “View a Proposal”.

If you have questions, please contact your college or committee representative listed under contact 1xb
