Reopening phase 1xbet sports betting 3

Began June 8, 2020.

Prerequisites for advancing to phase 3

  1. State of Kansas continues to lift "safer at home" orders.

  2. Local indicators of infection spread show stable or decreasing 1xbet sports betting transmission.

  3. Clusters of cases are promptly identified, contained and do not spread to the 1xbet sports betting .

  4. Health care and public health systems can cope with the volume of current and potential cases.

Criteria in Phase 3

Strict social distancing in effect
Mass gatherings are limited to 10 or fewer individuals
  • Mass gatherings are limited to 50 or fewer individuals.

  • High-risk individuals restrict activities as much as 1xbet sports betting .

  • Follow the university's Face 1xbet online.
Mass gatherings are limited to 10 or fewer individuals
  • 1xbet sports betting are encouraged to work remotely as much as possible.

  • 1xbet sports betting , students and visitors should self-assess their symptoms and should not come to campus if they are sick, 1xbet online games login checks, or have other illness symptoms of the coronavirus as listed on the CDC website.

  • 1xbet sports betting , students and visitors should follow specific guidance if they have:
    • Tested positive for COVID-19.
    • A sick family member or roommate at home with COVID-19.
    • Been in close contact with another person who has COVID-19.
    • Been tested for COVID-19 and are awaiting results.
    • Recently traveled outside of Kansas.