1xbet online sports betting information

Coronavirus questions

If you have a medical question or concern, please 1xbet online sports betting your physician.

Student resources and services

Students who need assistance can 1xbet online sports betting the appropriate campus service:

Office of Student Life, 785-532-6432, stulife@k-state.edu
K-State Salina Office of Student Life, 785-826-2662, kchamberlin5@k-state.edu
K-State Olathe Student Services, 913-307-7373, olatheapp@k-state.edu

Parents and families

Email pfa@k-state.edu for information or support.

Accessibility and disability support

Individuals who need reasonable accommodations may 1xbet online sports betting the ADA coordinator at  charlott@k-state.edu  (for employees) or the Student Access Center, or SAC, at  accesscenter@k-state.edu  (for students) for assistance. 

Media inquiries

All media inquiries, including information on university response and faculty experts, should be directed to media@k-state.edu.