mental 1xbet best casino website health and wellness

Student mental health and wellness

1xbet best casino website is a confidential resource to help students in a variety of situations, from feeling an increase in worry because of all the changes to experiencing difficulty focusing on tasks and maintaining motivation. 1xbet best casino website offers free group and individual telehealth services to increase students’ sense of well-being. Eligible students get up to eight free sessions of individual therapy and unlimited group therapy. 

1xbet best casino website also provides crisis and urgent services for individuals who are a danger to themselves or others, have experienced a recent sexual assault or are experiencing disconnection from reality.

Manhattan students can contact 1xbet best casino website at 785-532-6927 to set up a consultation appointment.  Salina students should contact K-State Salina Office of Student Life, 785-826-2984, for counseling assistance.

1xbet best casino website also offers a COVID-specific self-care resource.

Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program, or EAP, is a service provided for State of Kansas benefits eligible employees and their dependents at no charge. The EAP provides information, short-term counseling, advice and referrals from licensed professionals who understand the typical stresses we all face day in and day out. EAP counsellors are available 24/7 at 1-888-275-1205 (option 1) to provide immediate care, concern and assistance because life's questions don't always come between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. TDD/TT 800-697-0353.

Live Your Best

Kansas State University cares about the holistic wellness of its employees. Holistic wellness focuses on the overall wellness of the individual in all areas of their life. K-State is committed to creating opportunities to learn, discuss and focus on the areas that you feel are most beneficial to you and your families. We recognize that everyone is on their own personal path to greatness, which is why we've named our program Live Your Best #PurpleIsProgress. Each day is a new opportunity to take a step toward a better you. At K-State, we have many offerings to help with your path toward the best you that you can be.

Learn more.