covid- 1xbet online casino19 news releases and experts

 As a land-grant university, Kansas State University is actively involved in the fight against COVID-19, including research projects, outreach efforts and faculty experts. Learn more through this list of news releases and expert sources, which are organized by topic.

Research | Outreach | Education | Agriculture | Family life | Food safety


Kyeong-Ok "KC" Chang

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As the fight against COVID-19 continues, Kansas State University has received a five-year, .7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to research a new treatment method for the virus.
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Yunjeong Kim and Kyeong-Ok "KC" Chang

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1xbet online casino is continuing to help in the fight against COVID-19 with a licensed technology against coronaviruses, including the virus that causes COVID-19.
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Kyle Goerl

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Kyle Goerl, the medical director of Kansas State University's Lafene Health Center, is part of a collaborative team that has published recent research on SARS-CoV-2 transmission and quarantine periods.
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Two recently published studies from Kansas State University researchers and collaborators include important findings related to SARS-CoV-2 transmission and the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Nasopharyngeal swabs for COVID-191xbet online games login missing that simple little

Dr. Lee Norman, Kansas secretary of the Department of Health and Environment, has commended a Kansas State University-community partnership in their efforts to make COVID-19 testing supplies available.
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Kyeong-Ok Chang and Yunjeong Kim1xbet best casino website in a mouse model for MERS.

Yunjeong Kim and Kyeong-Ok "KC" Chang, virologists in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University, have published a study showing a possible therapeutic treatment for COVID-19.
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Kansas State University is leading the consortium, which is making all its findings freely available to researchers worldwide.
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Study at the Biosecurity Research Institute1xbet best casino website The research was in part

A new study by 1xbet online casino researchers is the first to confirm that SARS-CoV-2 cannot be transmitted to people by mosquitoes.
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Kansas State University has signed a new preclinical research and option agreement with Tonix Pharmaceuticals, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, to develop a vaccine candidate for the prevention of COVID-19.
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Biosecurity Research InstituteInfectious disease expert offers road map for future COVID-19 research; investigates potential therapeutic options

A Kansas State University infectious disease scientist and collaborators are offering a possible research road map to find the answers to COVID-19 questions.
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 Kansas State University has licensed a technology that may lead to the production of an antiviral drug to treat coronaviruses and noroviruses.
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Researchers from Kansas State University are doing their part to help discover a treatment for COVID-19 through a second licensing agreement with Cocrystal Pharma. 
Expert: Yunjeong  Kim,  ykim@vet.1xbet online casino edu
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Scientific work continues in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University to better understand and confront the virus that causes the COVID-19 disease.
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Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine veterinary students and Master of Public Health students are helping the Riley County Health Department with its COVID-19 efforts as members of the Student Outbreak Response Team, or SORT.
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Coronavirus testing 1xbet sports betting have completed HIPAA training,

Kansas State University is helping combat the coronavirus pandemic by developing important diagnostic tests and offering testing services for the university community.
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Lab supplies from K-StateTackling COVID-19: K-Staters taking on the challenge to help locally and globally

Kansas State University faculty and staff have been helping local and state efforts to battle COVID-19 by contributing their time and expertise as well as university resources.
Experts: Peter Dorhout, dorhout@1xbet online casino edu; and Bonnie Rush, vetdean@1xbet online casino edu
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Fabric masks 1xbet sports betting a member of the COVID-19

Area health care organizations are getting custom-made face shields and cloth face masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, courtesy of Kansas State University.
Expert: Jonathan Dessi-Olive, jdessiolive@1xbet online casino edu
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Technology Development Institute

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The Technology Development Institute has assembled a COVID-19 resource guide and is disseminating this information through the Great Plains Technology and Manufacturing Cluster initiative.
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Art department aids in production of PPE face shields for health care workers

The art department is collaborating with a College of Architecture, Planning & Design club to produce PPE face shields for local health care workers using 3D printing technology.
Expert: Owen Oertling, oertling@1xbet online casino edu
Read the announcement.


Online classesRemote learning and distance education: Higher education

1xbet online casino has created resources to help universities transition to online/remote learning during the coronavirus pandemic. One initiative is called Keep Teaching: Resources for Higher Ed and it's an online community among the first of its kind in the U.S. 
Expert: Kansas State,  kelinder@1xbet online casino edu
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Student writingRemote learning  and distance education: P-12 

The 1xbet online casino College of Education's Remote Learning P-12 community is a place where educators and parents can share innovative ideas and resources that support student success.
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More than 800 teachers in rural, urban and suburban school districts across the state participated in the project, "Access, Engagement and Resilience During COVID-19 Remote Learning."
Expert: Debbie Mercer, dmercer@1xbet online casino edu
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Livestock prices

Temporary packing plant closures and changes in meat demand linked to the coronavirus pandemic have driven cattle and hog prices lower.
Expert: Glynn Tonsor, gtonsor@1xbet online casino edu
Read the news release.

Coping with volatile farm commodity prices

Agricultural producers should seek to control costs and increase liquidity as much as possible given the current upheaval linked to the COVID-19 outbreak. 
Expert: Brian Briggeman, 785-532-2573,  bbrigg@1xbet online casino edu
Read the news release.

Family life

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Megan McCoy, Kansas State University professor of practice in personal financial planning, is helping couples and families cope with financial stress during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Expert: Megan McCoy, 785-532-5510, meganmccoy@1xbet online casino edu
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Helping children cope with crisis 

Children and adults react to crisis differently. Learn to recognize the  warning signs in children. 
Expert: Bradford Wiles, 785-532-1939,  bwiles@1xbet online casino edu 
Read the news release.

Children and anxiety 

An important component to managing anxiety and taking care of others is to take care of oneself first, says 1xbet online casino child development specialist Bradford Wiles. 
Expert: Bradford Wiles, 785-532-1939,  bwiles@1xbet online casino edu 
Read the news release.

Children  learning at  home 

Reading with children is an important way in which parents can help them continue learning while schools are closed.
Expert: Bradford Wiles, 785-532-1939,  bwiles@1xbet online casino edu
Read the news release.

Food safety

Food packaging and coronavirus 

While food and food packaging does not seem to be a source of contamination for the novel coronavirus, Karen Blakeslee still urges consumers to use common food safety practices.
Expert: Karen Blakeslee, 785-532-1673,  kblakesl@1xbet online casino edu
Read the news release.

Foods from farm animals considered safe from COVID-19 

Proteins produced by livestock are safe to eat. People do not have to worry about those products carrying COVID-19 to the population. 
Expert: Gregg  Hanzlicek, 785-532-5650,  gahanz@1xbet online casino edu
Read the news release.

Shopping during a quarantine 

 Planning for meals you plan to eat is the best strategy for limiting trips to the grocery store during a quarantine. 
Expert: Sandy Procter, 785-532-1675,  procter@1xbet online casino edu
Read the news release.