1xbet online sports betting 19 mitigation behavior survey results

As part of 1xbet online sports betting ’s Every Wildcat a 1xbet online games, the Office of the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students surveyed students in early August 2020 to assess their likelihood to engage in 1xbet online sports betting 19 disease mitigation behaviors. 1,366 voluntary survey responses were received and recorded.

Executive summary

  • 1xbet online sports betting responding to the survey reported they planned to comply with requirements for wearing face coverings and social distancing.
  • Students also indicated they would participate in 1xbet online sports betting 19 testing.
  • However, students responses also suggested what many institutions around the country have found: Student behavior off campus is less aligned with practices that reduce the spread of 1xbet online sports betting 19.

Resulting actions to be taken

K-State plans to increase its focus on creatively and consistently educating students about the risks involved with certain off-campus behavioral choices in our efforts to reduce the spread of 1xbet online sports betting 19.

1xbet online sports betting data


A visual representation of the demographics data summary below

Data summary

  • 1xbet online sports betting representation
    • Of the 1,366 total 1xbet online sports betting participants, 98% of respondents were from the Manhattan campus, while the remaining 2% represented the Global, Olathe and Polytechnic campuses.
  • Housing status
    • 68% of respondents reported living off 1xbet online sports betting , with 32% reporting living on 1xbet online sports betting .
  • Undergraduate/graduate 1xbet online sports betting representation
    • 88% of respondents were undergraduate 1xbet online sports betting ; 12% graduate 1xbet online sports betting .

Key question #1: How likely are you to engage in the following 1xbet online sports betting within the residence halls?

A visual representation of residence hall behavior data summary below

Data summary

  • 1xbet online sports betting a mask in the common areas:
    • 54.57% definitely will | 31.86% possibly will | 10.73% probably will not | 2.84% definitely will not
  • 1xbet online sports betting a mask outside my room while inside my residence hall:
    • 46.69% definitely will | 35.33% possibly will | 13.88% probably will not | 4.1% definitely will not
  • 1xbet online sports betting a mask in the dining centers:
    • 58.68% definitely will | 28.08% possibly will | 9.46% probably will not | 3.79% definitely will not
  • 1xbet online sports betting physically distancing from others in shared community spaces:
    • 48.42% definitely will | 38.29% possibly will | 11.71% probably will not | 1.58% definitely will not
  • 1xbet online sports betting spending time with other residents in large groups:
    • 10.13% definitely will | 31.33% possibly will | 39.24% probably will not | 19.3% definitely will not

Key question #2: How would you prefer to interact with 1xbet online sports betting offices (i.e. advising, student life, registrar, financial aid, etc.)?

A visual representation of the data summary for preferred interaction methodsData summary

In descending order:

  • Mix of in-person and remote: 42.64%
  • In-person by appointment: 23.39%
  • Remote advising and support: 20.79%
  • In-person with walk-in hours: 13.19%

Key question #3: Please share how likely you will be to engage in the following 1xbet online sports betting :

Wear face coverings

key for visual data

A visual representation of the face coverings data summary below

Data summary
  • In public spaces:
    • 70.06% definitely will | 20.82% possibly will | 6.27% probably will not | 2.85% definitely will not
  • In the classroom:
    • 78.2% definitely will | 16.3% probably will | 3.13% probably will not | 2.37% definitely will not

Maintain 6 feet of physical 1xbet online sports betting

key for visual data

A visual representation of the physical distancing data summary below

Data summary
  • In public spaces:
    • 48.95% definitely will | 38.86% possibly will | 9.9% probably will not | 2.29% definitely will not
  • In the classroom:
    • 47.39% definitely will | 41.22% probably will | 8.93% probably will not | 2.47% definitely will not
  • To following traffic guidance:
    • 50.38% definitely will | 37.07% possibly will | 9.41% probably will not | 3.14% definitely will not

Related to sanitation

key for visual data

A visual representation of the sanitation data summary below

Data summary
  • Assist in cleaning personal desk space in classroom at end of class:
    • 52.09% definitely will | 34.13% possibly will | 9.6% probably will not | 4.18% definitely will not
  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer regularly:
    • 84.9% definitely will | 12.35% possibly will | 1.71% probably will not | 1.04% definitely will not
  • Have close contact with friends other than roommates:
    • 22.43% definitely will | 36.22% possibly will | 24.33% probably will not | 17.02% definitely will not
  • Share drinks with others:
    • 4.28% definitely will | 10.75% possibly will | 22.84% probably will not | 62.13% definitely will not

Related to socializing

key for visual data

A visual representation of the socializing data summary below

Data summary
  • Go to apartment, fraternity or house parties:
    • 13.78% definitely will | 23.67% possibly will | 28.23% probably will not | 34.32% definitely will not
  • Go to bars:
    • 11.61% definitely will | 17.79% possibly will | 25.12% probably will not | 45.48% definitely will not
  • Reduce or avoid travel during the fall semester:
    • 45.53% definitely will | 34.98% possibly will | 13.4% probably will not | 6.08% definitely will not
  • Spend time with friends in smaller groups:
    • 59.01% definitely will | 29.31% possibly will | 7.8% probably will not | 3.81% definitely will not

1xbet online sports betting 19 testing and processing

key for visual data

A visual representation of the COVID-19 testing and processing data summary below

Data summary
  • Participate in contact tracing as necessary:
    • 54.37% definitely will | 29.94% possibly will | 10.08% probably will not | 5.61% definitely will not
  • Participate in isolation and quarantine as necessary:
    • 68.64% definitely will | 24.12% possibly will | 4.19% probably will not | 3.05% definitely will not
  • Report experiencing 1xbet online sports betting like symptoms to Lafene or medical provider:
    • 73.24% definitely will | 19.14% possibly will | 4.57% probably will not | 3.05% definitely will not
  • Undergo 1xbet online sports betting 19 testing as may be necessary:
    • 59.54% definitely will | 27.73% possibly will | 8.17% probably will not | 4.65% definitely will not

Key question #4: I am concerned about the impact of 1xbet online sports betting 19:

A visual representation of the data summary of COVID-19 concerns below

Data summary

  • On myself: 34.04% strongly agree | 29.79% agree | 13.83% undecided | 14.99% disagree | 7.35% strongly disagree
  • On family members: 56.01% strongly agree | 29.07% agree | 5.91% undecided | 5.81% disagree | 3.2% strongly disagree
  • On my friends: 42.4% strongly agree | 35.62% agree | 10.65% undecided | 7.28% disagree | 4.07% strongly disagree
  • On the K-State 1xbet online sports betting and surrounding community: 50.19% strongly agree | 34.85% agree | 8.25% undecided | 3.79% disagree | 2.91% strongly disagree
  • Spread: 47.91% strongly agree | 27.35% agree | 12.03% undecided | 8.83% disagree | 3.88 strongly disagree