Group of students and therapists in group therapy

1xbet best casino website at CAPS

CAPS offers two different types of 1xbet best casino website .

  1. Interpersonal process 1xbet best casino website focus on improving relationships. They provide a safe and supportive environment for members to talk and learn about how they interact with one another and the group as a whole. Process 1xbet best casino website also help members explore new ways of behaving in relationships. They do not have a specific theme or topic for discussion. Instead, they allow members to talk about difficult areas of their lives and reflect aloud on how their relationship patterns are connected to those difficulties.
  2. Skills 1xbet best casino website are more structured and include instruction from a group facilitator to help students develop skills. There is a strong teaching component in these types of 1xbet best casino website , often focused on a particular topic. However, discussions and vulnerability are encouraged. It is important to note that members must practice between sessions to achieve the full benefits of skills 1xbet best casino website .

Interpersonal Process 1xbet best casino website Offered at CAPS:

Skills 1xbet best casino website Offered at CAPS:

Please contact CAPS (785-532-6927) if you have questions or to schedule an appointment to see if 1xbet best casino website therapy is a good fit for you.


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