Tips for College Freshmen, Before They Arrive at the 1xbet online sports betting

By KSU Counseling Services Staff

Don't miss orientation

  • You will miss out on so much valuable information you will wish you knew later. Even if you have a sibling who has already been to campus. This is 1xbet online sports betting turn to start 1xbet online sports betting college years off on the right foot.
  • Orientation is also a good opportunity for 1xbet online sports betting to begin to meet new people.

Meet 1xbet online sports betting roommate(s)

  • Because move in time can be very stressful, get to know 1xbet online sports betting roommate in advance.
  • Talk about the layout of 1xbet online sports betting living space and who will bring what.
  • Get a feel for what 1xbet online sports betting roommate enjoys and what annoys them. This may help tremendously in the future.

Know what to bring to college

  • Often the college will provide some idea of what is provided.
  • The college should also provide 1xbet online sports betting a list of what is not allowed.
  • Have some idea of how much space you have and how you may be able to downsize from 1xbet online sports betting bedroom at home.

Get in shape

  • Now is the time to focus on 1xbet online sports betting healthy lifestyle. If you wait until you are on campus it may be too late.
  • It may be harder to eat right and exercise once you are on campus without someone there to tell you to do it. Start taking responsibility for 1xbet online sports betting healthy behaviors now.
  • Figure out 1xbet online sports betting work-out schedule and how you will still accomplish that once you have classes, activities, friends, and buffet style dinners.
  • Determine where the 1xbet online sports betting recreation centers are and do not be afraid to go and use them. Bring a friend or a roommate for the first time.

Save 1xbet online sports betting cash

  • While you can live very simply in college, you will find all of the things 1xbet online sports betting parents paid for in the past now cost money.
  • Set a budget and manage it closely. The worst thing you can do is think you will slip through college with 1xbet online sports betting credit card or tons of financial aid. Believe it or not, those both have to be paid back and often with high interest rates.
  • Plan to sit down with 1xbet online sports betting parents and discuss 1xbet online sports betting budget. A financial planner may be helpful during this time as well.
  • Open a special bank account for all of 1xbet online sports betting graduation money. Save it for an emergency stash. You never know when you will need to buy a new tire or have something else come up that you had not expected in 1xbet online sports betting budget.

Forget 1xbet online sports betting car

  • All of the things that were cool about 1xbet online sports betting car in high school may or may not be so cool on campus. 1xbet online sports betting expensive rims or tinted windows will soon be parked in a lot with thousands of other cars. Don't forget if you do bring 1xbet online sports betting car to order 1xbet online sports betting parking permit early (usually you can do this online).
  • You often walk on campus. Get yourself a nice pair of rain boots instead of expensive toys for 1xbet online sports betting car.
  • Many students also bike on campus. The good news with this is there is usually room on the rack to put 1xbet online sports betting bike while everyone is circling to find a parking spot. And... biking is free and gives you a workout at the same time.

Start looking into what activities are happening on 1xbet online sports betting .

  • Make a list of some things you may want to look into getting involved with. Remember 1xbet online sports betting time may be limited with 1xbet online sports betting school work so do get involved but don't stretch yourself too thin.
  • Contact the presidents of clubs and organizations before 1xbet online sports betting are even on campus to learn more about them. 1xbet online sports betting can usually search for this information off the college main webpage.

Familiarize yourself with the services offered on and off 1xbet online sports betting .

  • Know where to go for help
  • Know who will be able to answer 1xbet online sports betting questions
  • Contact the career center and make an appointment or attend an orientation at the library

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