1xbet online casino Signals

By KSU Counseling Services 1xbet online casino

Preview Points

  • Being aware of stress warning signs 1xbet online casino be helpful to identify the presence of stress.
  • Different types of stress warning signs 1xbet online casino co-exist and 1xbet online casino stem from physical, behavioral, emotional and cognitive realms.


There 1xbet online casino be a number of stress warning signs that are physical, behavioral, emotional, and cognitive.

PHYSICAL 1xbet online casino :

    • Headaches
    • Indigestion
    • Stomachaches
    • Sleep difficulties
    • Dizziness
    • Back pain
    • Tight neck, shoulders
    • Racing heart
    • Restlessness
    • Tiredness
    • Ringing in ears

BEHAVIORAL 1xbet online casino :

    • Excess smoking
    • Bossiness
    • Compulsive eating
    • Attitude critical of others
    • Grinding of teeth
    • Overuse of alcohol
    • Not eating
    • Inability to finish homework, etc.

EMOTIONAL 1xbet online casino :

    • Crying easily
    • Nervousness, anxiety
    • Boredom
    • Edginess
    • Easily upset
    • Overwhelming pressure
    • Anger
    • Loneliness
    • Unhappiness

COGNITIVE 1xbet online casino :

    • Trouble thinking clearly
    • Lack of concentration
    • Forgetfulness
    • Lack of creativity
    • Inability to 1xbet online casino decisions
    • Constant worry
    • Loss of humor

* These symptoms 1xbet online casino be associated with causes other than stress. Consult with a physician if these persist over time.

Concluding Points

  • It 1xbet online casino help to reach out to friends, family and acquaintances who 1xbet online casino be displaying these signs of stress.
  • If one sees these signs in oneself, it 1xbet online casino help to make changes to one's life to deal with the stressors.
  • It 1xbet online casino help to build resilience here.


Benson, H. (1992). Wellness Book. Boston: Birch Lane Press.

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