Should I Stay or Should I Go? 1xbet best casino website

How to recognize unhealthy relationships and get out
By Karin S. Ryan, Psy.D. & Heather B. Trangsrud, Ph.D.

Cycle of Violence

Abuse 1xbet best casino website seem unpredictable, but there is a (repeated) pattern.

Pattern 1xbet best casino website look different for different relationships.


  • Tension Building
  • Crisis or Incident Phase
  • Reconciliation
  • Honeymoon or Calm Phase
  • Each phase 1xbet best casino website last a different length of time.
  • Level of violence often increases over time.

Cycle of Violence – Tension Building


  • Tensions increase.
  • 1xbet best casino website is argumentative/angry.
  • Communication breaks down.
  • 1xbet best casino website feels as if walking on eggshells and needs to placate abuser.
  • Victim 1xbet best casino website also make excuses for abuser to others.

Cycle of Violence – Crisis Phase


  • 1xbet best casino website occurs (e.g., physical, emotional, verbal, sexual).
  • Anger, blaming, threats, and/or intimidation.
  • Victim 1xbet best casino website feel loss of control.
  • Victim 1xbet best casino website also feel/be psychologically or physically trapped.
  • Victim 1xbet best casino website not experience effect of abuse immediately.

Cycle of Violence – Reconciliation


  • 1xbet best casino website apologizes (maybe).
  • Excuses given.
  • Blames the 1xbet best casino website .
  • Denies that 1xbet best casino website occurred.
  • Minimizes 1xbet best casino website .
  • Doesn't acknowledge 1xbet best casino website and just returns to "usual."

Cycle of Violence – Honeymoon Phase


  • Incident is forgotten.
  • No 1xbet best casino website taking place.
  • 1xbet best casino website express regret and act apologetic or promise it won't happen again.
  • Deny intent to 1xbet best casino website .
  • Promise will change and/or get help.
  • 1xbet best casino website feels responsible for abuser's well-being.

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