Stages of 1xbet online games login

By KSU Counseling Services Staff

Preview Points

  • 1xbet online games login may feel very threatening to people.
  • Understanding the different phases of 1xbet online games login may be helpful to give people a perspective.
  • This may also encourage a sense of patience with 1xbet online games login .
  • Behavioral 1xbet online games login is a process, not a single event.


Being aware of the needs for 1xbet online games login is critical for a clear approach for 1xbet online games login .

THE STAGES OF 1xbet online games login MODEL: A widely used model for 1xbet online games login is one by Prochaska and DiClemente known as the "Stages of 1xbet online games login Model."
There are six phases that may be seen in a circular way.

  1. Pre-Contemplation involves the lack of awareness of the need for 1xbet online games login . Individuals in this phase are not aware of the consequences of their behavior.
  2. Contemplation, the next phase, has the individual ambivalent about 1xbet online games login and likely not considering 1xbet online games login within the next month.
  3. The third phase is Preparation, with the individual planning to act within a month and initially gathering information or getting ready.
  4. The Action phase involves practicing the new behavior for 3 to 6 months.
  5. The Maintenance phase involves continued commitment to sustaining the new behavior after the initial 6-month action period and to about 5 years.
  6. The Relapse phase involves resumption of old behaviors at any phase of this 1xbet online games login , but ideally, with resumption of the 1xbet online games login commitment (Prochaska and DiClemente's Stages of 1xbet online games login Model, 1982, as cited in the UCLA Center for Human Nutrition).

THE PROCESSES OF BEHAVIOR 1xbet online games login :

N. Lezin offers "The Processes of Behavior 1xbet online games login " in ten steps.

  1. Consciousness-raising: Learning about the proposed 1xbet online games login and gathering ideas for it
  2. Dramatic relief: Expressing negative feelings about one's perceived problems
  3. Self re-evaluation: Realizing that the behavioral 1xbet online games login is part of one's identity
  4. Environmental re-evaluation: Assessing how one's problem affects the physical environment and those in that environment
  5. Self-liberation: "Choosing and committing to act on a belief that 1xbet online games login is possible"
  6. Social liberation: Societal support for healthier behaviors
  7. Counter-conditioning: Choosing healthier alternatives in place of problem behaviors
  8. Stimulus control—Avoiding triggers that may lead to the negative behavior
  9. Contingency management—Setting up rewards of positive behavioral 1xbet online games login and decreasing rewards for the unhealthy behavior
  10. Helping relationships—Using a strong support system of family, friends and co-workers (Lezin, 2007, pp. 1 – 3)

Concluding Points

  • 1xbet online games login is part of a process, not a discrete event.
  • There are helpful steps to behavior 1xbet online games login that may make the 1xbet online games login more successful.
  • Lapses are not an unexpected part of behavior 1xbet online games login .


Lezin, N. (2007). Theories and Approaches: The Processes of Behavior 1xbet online games login . ReCAPP. ETR's
Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention.

Prochaska and DiClemente's Stages of 1xbet online games login Model. (1982). UCLA Center for Human Nutrition.
Retrieved Dec. 8, 2008, at .

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