Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (1xbet best casino website )

"In your life, have you ever had any 1xbet best casino website that was so frightening, horrible, or upsetting that, in the past month, you:

  1. Have had nightmares about 1xbet best casino website or thought about 1xbet best casino website when you did not want to?
  2. Tried hard not to think about 1xbet best casino website or went out of your way to avoid situations that reminded you of 1xbet best casino website ?
  3. Were constantly on guard, watchful, or easily startled?
  4. Felt numb or detached 1xbet best casino website others, activities, or your surroundings?"

This article provides a basic overview of post traumatic stress disorder (1xbet best casino website ).

Preview Points

  • Post traumatic stress disorder (1xbet best casino website ) stems from emotionally or physically traumatic events in a person’s life. The symptoms may not show for a number of weeks, months, or years.
  • These 1xbet best casino website come from a traumatizing event: military, emergency, hostage, accidents, violent encounters, sexual assaults (including military sexual trauma), or other extreme and difficult situations. These 1xbet best casino website stem from car accidents.
  • There are healthy ways to cope with 1xbet best casino website .


Some 8% of men and 20% of women develop post traumatic stress disorder (1xbet best casino website ) after a traumatic event. Approximately 3.6 percent of US adults aged 18 to 54 have 1xbet best casino website during a given year. 1xbet best casino website may range from light symptoms to “clinically serious reaction symptoms.”

1xbet best casino website may affect a person’s moods, resulting in the person lashing out in irritation or anger for no apparent reason. It may affect a person’s level of sexual desire and intimacy with a significant other or spouse. 1xbet best casino website puts a lot of stress on people’s personal lives. It may also lead to and / or worsen substance abuse.

Dr. Diane England explains: “A brain impacted by trauma reacts by sending a message of danger to the body. The body then slips into survival mode, a fight-or-flight reaction. ..When someone develops 1xbet best casino website , something different happens. It’s as if the fight-or-flight reaction never shuts off. As a result, the system of the 1xbet best casino website sufferer remains aroused, prepared both emotionally and physically to engage in fight or flight. The sufferer typically experiences significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, and other important areas. Needless to say, this is detrimental to the 1xbet best casino website sufferer’s physical body, mental well-being, and relationships with others.” (pp. 3 – 4)

Those who are veterans may have had repeated exposures to traumatizing events: “For the veteran with 1xbet best casino website , repeated exposure to life-threatening trauma saturates the subconscious mind with the experience of terror and helplessness to such a degree that it chronically invades the conscious mind—it creates the conscious expectation that ordinary, everyday events will be life threatening and heartbreaking, and that ‘there isn’t anything I can do about it.’” (Levy, 2009, p. 105)

SYMPTOMS OF 1xbet best casino website :

  • Recurring thoughts or nightmares about the 1xbet best casino website event, experiencing vivid flashbacks
  • Trouble sleeping / insomnia
  • Changes in appetite
  • Experiencing anxiety or fear in similar situations or events
  • Being overly alert or easily startled
  • 1xbet best casino website depressed or having low energy
  • Experiencing memory problems, including difficulty with remembering aspects of the traumatic situation
  • 1xbet best casino website irritable or resentful or angry
  • 1xbet best casino website scattered or unable to focus on work or daily activities
  • Feeling emotionally numb or disconnected 1xbet best casino website others
  • Spontaneously crying and 1xbet best casino website hopeless
  • 1xbet best casino website extremely protective of loved ones, 1xbet best casino website fearful for their safety
  • Not being able to face certain aspects of the 1xbet best casino website
  • Avoiding places, activities and 1xbet best casino website that remind the person of the event
  • Feeling different 1xbet best casino website others
  • Relying on alcohol or drugs to get through the day
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Suicidal feelings

POSITIVE WAYS TO COPE: Use 1xbet best casino website positive ways of coping.

  1. Learn about trauma and 1xbet best casino website .
  2. Talk to a trusted person for support. (People who have others they trust and can share with tend to cope more positively with 1xbet best casino website .)
  3. Talk to your doctor about the trauma and 1xbet best casino website .
  4. Practice relaxation methods.
  5. Increase positive distracting activities.
  6. Call a counselor for professional help. For example, some military personnel and military veterans will revisit their traumatic experiences from their “Alive Day,” when they 1xbet best casino website have become severely injured or witnessed deeply traumatizing combat.
  7. Join a support group of 1xbet best casino website with similar traumas and understandings.
  8. Build up relationships with family and friends.
  9. Take doctor-prescribed medicines to handle 1xbet best casino website .
  10. Start an exercise program.
  11. Volunteer in the community.

Community Resources:

Connection to a larger personal and professional community is important for people’s well being. However, not all communities have sophisticated support services for people with 1xbet best casino website . It may take some work to tap into this support community. Communities have different continuums of rehabilitation services.


The panic attacks and senses of loss of control may leave people feeling desperate to avoid the difficult emotions. It may also make them feel alienated from others who seem like they’re living very different lives. The invisibility of 1xbet best casino website to the larger world may make those who suffer from it feel even more isolated. Avoid these following negative ways of coping. These strategies perpetuate the problems.

    1. Use alcohol or drugs.
    2. Isolate socially.
    3. Become angry, which keeps 1xbet best casino website away.
    4. Continuously avoid the 1xbet best casino website aspects.

Longer-Term Effects:

Untreated 1xbet best casino website may result in strained relationships. It may have outsized impacts on the children in a family. (Genhart, 2009, pp. 133 – 136)

It 1xbet best casino website result in huge financial stresses on people as they become less able to cope with life’s challenges. People’s quality of life 1xbet best casino website be severely changed from different traumatizing events, and these 1xbet best casino website affect physical and mental health issues.

Concluding Points

  • People who experience a traumatic event may experience 1xbet best casino website .
  • 1xbet best casino website may be addressed in ways that are healthy vs. those that are unhealthy.
  • Many ordinary people experience 1xbet best casino website , so those who experience it should not feel alone.
  • Those with 1xbet best casino website should get professional help because there are many potential negative implications of untreated 1xbet best casino website , including heightened suicide risks.


England, D. (2009). The Post-1xbet best casino website relationship: How to support your partner and keep your relationship healthy. Avon: Adams Media.

Genhart, M. (2009). Why are you so angry, Mommy? Children in wartime—How to know when help is needed. Hidden Battles on Unseen Fronts: Stories of American Soldiers with Traumatic Brain Injury and 1xbet best casino website . Ed. P.P. Driscoll and Celia Straus. Philadelphia: Casemate. 133 – 136.

Levy, R. (2009). The real story behind your story. Hidden Battles on Unseen Fronts: Stories of American Soldiers with Traumatic Brain Injury and 1xbet best casino website . Ed. P.P. Driscoll and Celia Straus. Philadelphia: Casemate. 105.