Phone 1xbet best casino website Tips

By KSU Counseling Services Staff

Phone interviewing is increasingly common as we become a more mobile society but phone interviews can still be as tough, if not tougher, than face to face meetings! Without body language and other clues to how 1xbet best casino website are doing in the interview, it can be hard to know how well things are going for 1xbet best casino website . University Life Café has worked to provide 1xbet best casino website with some useful tips 1xbet best casino website can use in your next phone interview.

  • Relax and smile. People can hear tension and bad moods over the phone…take a morning stroll, read 1xbet best casino website friends’ Facebook posts or watch a funny YouTube video to calm down and put yourself in a good mood.
  • Do not put the interviewer on hold to answer a call or read a text message.
  • Get dressed for your 1xbet best casino website . Some people find that putting on a suit or other professional attire helps mentally prepare them for the 1xbet best casino website .
  • Make sure 1xbet best casino website have a good connection, especially if 1xbet best casino website are on a cell phone. Don’t schedule a phone interview for a time 1xbet best casino website know 1xbet best casino website are going to be in a basement with no reception.
  • Stay indoors. While the trees and grass may calm your nerves, the light breeze can make it really hard for the interviewer to hear 1xbet best casino website .
  • Interview in an area that is comfortable for 1xbet best casino website . If 1xbet best casino website prefer to sit at your desk then do that. If pacing your apartment is calming to 1xbet best casino website , do that. Just be sure the area is free from distractions. 1xbet best casino website don’t want to start reading emails or putting laundry away mid-interview.
  • Don’t eat, chew gum, suck on mints or smoke during the 1xbet best casino website . It can make your voice sound weird and the sound of gum over the phone is most unprofessional, as is pausing for a quick drag.
  • Listen carefully. Take notes and remember that it is okay to ask the interviewer to repeat a question if 1xbet best casino website didn’t hear it or misunderstood.
  • Stand up. It opens up your lungs and allows 1xbet best casino website to project your voice better.
  • Practice! Just like 1xbet best casino website would for a face to face interview, take some time to prepare and practice for potential interview questions.
  • Take out your earrings. Sometimes they make weird sounds or they may bother 1xbet best casino website during the call- 1xbet best casino website don’t want to miss anything.
  • Don’t use speakerphone!
  • Make sure this phone call is not 1xbet best casino website first conversation of the day. Call 1xbet best casino website mom or a friend just to chat!
  • Be sure to get the name of the person 1xbet best casino website are interviewing with so 1xbet best casino website can send them a thank 1xbet best casino website note.

Rudloff, A. (2007). Phone 1xbet best casino website Tips. Interviewing. Retrieved on April 22, 2010 from best casino website -tips/

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