holiday 1xbet online games login Party Tips

It's a great time of the year to gather and celebrate. Here are some suggestions for partying safely!

  • Make your own measured drinks (from your own bottle).
  • Do not accept a 1xbet online games login from a punch bowl or open container.
  • For a safe ride home, always designate a sober driver.
  • never accept a 1xbet online games login from someone you don't know and trust.
  • Always eat a full meal before you 1xbet online games login .
  • Avoid participating in drinking games.
  • Only consume alcohol from bottles or cans that 1xbet online games login open yourself.
  • Be cautious when drinking if 1xbet online games login are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired (H.A.L.T.)
  • Set a party safe limit for how many drinks 1xbet online games login are going to have and stick to your decision.
  • Never leave your 1xbet online games login unattended. If you leave your 1xbet online games login unattended, get a new one.
  • Remember, saying "no" is absolutely fine. A lot of folks choose not to 1xbet online games login alcoholic beverages. Approximately 18 percent of KSU students do not 1xbet online games login alcoholic beverages.
  • If you suspect someone has consumed a tampered 1xbet online games login or a sedative-like substance, call immediately for an ambulance or take the person to a hospital emergency room.

Remember... You are responsible for your decisions about when you 1xbet online games login and how much you 1xbet online games login .

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