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By KSU Counseling Services Staff

Preview Points

  • Reaching out to a student who is in distress is important in building a support network.
  • Building a base of interaction and friendship may be helpful.
  • Pointing a student to professional counseling help may be useful.
  • Interventions may be effective.


  1. Listen. Do not try to “fix, advise, correct, or disagree.” Don’t make decisions for that person.
  2. Empathize. Try to understand the other person’s perspective.
  3. Normalize. Refer to the normal needs that people have during stressful times.

Concluding Points

  • Being a caring presence is important in helping a troubled student.
  • Reaching out to others in care is important and helpful.

© All staff articles are used by permission of the respective author(s). Copyright belongs to the University Life Café. No part of this may be used without authorization.