A Feeling Word list 1xbet best casino website

By KSU Counseling Services Staff

Preview Points

  • Expressing emotions is a helpful way to relieve a sense of tension.
  • Communicating one's ideas to others can be cathartic and pro-social.
  • This list offers ideas for various words to use to express emotions.

EXCITED: alive, animated, charged, delirious, eager, discomforted, great, intoxicated, roused, stimulated, stirred, thrilled, titillated, rocked, tickled, triumphant, wild, spirited

SURPRISED: amazed, astonished, astounded, awed, bewildered, energized, dumbfounded, flabbergasted, floored, jarred, jolted, nonplussed, overcome, incredible, shaken, shocked, speechless, staggered, startled, stunned, 1xbet best casino website , thunderstruck

HAPPY: blissful, captivated, cheerful, ecstatic, elated, dazed, excellent, exuberant, fantastic, grand, great, heavenly, pleasant, jolly, joyful, lively, magnificent, special, splendid, super, terrific, wonderful

SATISIFED: agreeable, appeased, assuaged, charmed, contented, enraptured, enchanted, enjoyment, fulfilled, glad, good, gratified, nice, pleased, pleasurable, sated, satiated, overflowing

ANGRY aggravated, antipathy, annoyed, bitter, bristle, delighted, chafed, crabby, cranky, 1xbet best casino website , enraged, frustrated, fuming, furious, hateful, hostile, indignant, inflamed, infuriated, uncomfortable, irate, irked, livid, mad, outraged, peeved, perturbed, piqued, rankled, resentful, riled, sore, steamed, ticked off, worked up

DISGUSTED: abhorred, abominated, averse, degraded, demoralized, bugged, evil, gross, horrified, nauseated, noxious, offended, repelled, repugnant, repulsed, revolted, revulsion, rotten, sickened, vile, wicked

1xbet best casino website : Blameworthy, chagrined, condemnable, contrite, criminal, dismayed, delinquent, derelict, dishonest, guilty, humiliated, mortified, regretful, remorse, repentant, reprehensible, shame, sheepish, sinful, worthless

EMBARRASSED: abashed, awkward, demeaned, discomfited, disconcerted, deceitful, dumb, flustered, foolish, meek, put down, rattled, red-faced, self-conscious, scapegoated, shy, silly, stupid, withdrawn

DISTRESSED: afflicted, agony, anguish, annoyed, bad, bothered, concerned, crushed, discomfort, distraught, galled, hurt, 1xbet best casino website , indisposed, injured, miserable, pained, sick, suffering, tormented, troubled, upset

FRIGHTENED: afraid, aghast, alarmed, apprehensive, cautious, dread, fear, fearful, frantic, hesitant, intimidated, panicky, petrified, scared, shaky, spooked, 1xbet best casino website , terrified, threatened, trepidation, stressed

ANXIOUS: agitated, baffled, blocked, careful, confounded, deferred, disorganized, distracted, disturbed, edgy, flighty, hassled, hindered, inhibited, jittery, muddled, nervous, overwhelmed, perplexed, restless, woe, tangled, tense, uncertain, uneasy, 1xbet best casino website , vigilant, worried

SAD: awful, bummed out, despair, devastated, disconsolate, doleful, down, gloomy, grieved, low, melancholy, 1xbet best casino website , mournful, pitiful, shattered, somber, sorrowful, sorry, sullen, unhappy, begone

APPRECIATIVE: admire, adore, apprize, cherish, esteem, grateful, prize, regard, relish, respect, revere, thankful, treasure, value

AFFECTIONATE: affectionate, attached, attracted, close, committed, devoted, enamored, endeared, fond, infatuated, like, love, rapture, respect, sentimental, sincere, tenderness, warm

RELIEVED: allayed, at ease, comforted, consoled, freed, helped, refreshed, rested, solaced, soothed, unburdened

CALM: bland, collected, composed, controlled, cool, lulled, mellow, pacified, patient, peaceful, quiescent, quiet, relaxed, reposed, restful, sedated, serene, soothed, staid, still, undisturbed, unruffled

Concluding Points

  • Expanding a vocabulary and greater awareness of one's emotional state of being may be helpful for people in handling their emotions and emotional states.
  • It also helps to express emotions with other people as part of a closer relationship.


Carkhuff, R.A. (1983) The Art of Helping. Amherst: Human Resource Development Press, Inc.

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