Emotional Wellness and 1xbet online games login Choice

By Julie Hamel

As 1xbet online games login progress through your college career, 1xbet online games login may be asking yourself such questions as: Am I in the right major? Will I have a job when I get out? What if this isn’t the field I want to be in? Am I making the right career decision? Pondering these questions can lead to stress and confusion!

Sometimes we must accept the fact that we can’t know all of the answers to these questions right now. College students can’t know exactly what the future holds for them in any given field or career, but there are some things we can learn about 1xbet online games login in general, and what will lead us to overall job satisfaction and emotional well being.

Howard Gardner, renowned for his research on multiple intelligences, has identified the components of what he calls “good 1xbet online games login .” Gardner believes that most of us want to do more than just earn a living, although that may be what initially drives us into a 1xbet online games login situation. He also believes that we want to take pride in what we do, and if we end up doing 1xbet online games login where these needs are not met, we will feel dissatisfied and disheartened.

So what is “good 1xbet online games login ”? Gardner and his fellow researchers have identified three qualities of “good 1xbet online games login .” It should be of high quality or technically excellent, personally meaningful or engaging, and carried out in a socially responsible, or ethical manner, or as Gardner terms it, the “Triple Helix of Good 1xbet online games login .”

Many college graduates may be so focused on just finding a first job that they feel they can’t afford to be choosy. Student debt may also drive a graduate to take the first job they are offered, just so they are able to tackle their monthly payments. So, is “good work” impossible to do if 1xbet online games login are a young man or woman just starting their career? The answer should be a resounding, NO! Perhaps your first employment situation isn’t your dream job, but that shouldn’t prevent 1xbet online games login from pursuing two of Gardner’s three “Es.” 1xbet online games login should always be finding ways to do excellent and ethical work, and those are precisely the things that may allow 1xbet online games login to move on to the next position 1xbet online games login seek.

As 1xbet online games login become more proficient in your job, and gain more experience, 1xbet online games login will, hopefully, find a career that encompasses the third E proposed by Gardner – work that is personally meaningful or engaging.

In the current job market, many graduates may need to take jobs that aren’t quite what they had envisioned for themselves, but if we look at the goal of practicing the three “Es,” we can see that it is possible to do “good 1xbet online games login ” in any job – from farming to waiting tables, from childcare to veterinary practice; or from retail 1xbet online games login to nursing – and at any level, whether entering the career field right out of college or as an experienced worker nearing retirement.

Leaving the college environment and finding that first real job is a stressful experience, but if 1xbet online games login make it a goal to do “good work” wherever 1xbet online games login are hired, 1xbet online games login will, hopefully, find yourself on a path that will lead 1xbet online games login to lifelong fulfillment and the satisfaction that 1xbet online games login have left the world a better place!

Czikszentmihalyi, M., Damon,W., 1xbet online games login , H. (2008). The GoodWork® Project: An Overview.
Retrieved Sept. 14, 2009, 1xbet online games login

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