The Cycle of violence 1xbet best casino website

Phase 1: Tension Building

  • Batterer experiences increased tension
  • 1xbet best casino website minimizes problems
  • Batterer increases threats
  • 1xbet best casino website withdraws
  • Batterer controls more
  • Tension becoming intolerable
  • 1xbet best casino website feels like they are walking on eggshells
  • Poor communication

Phase 2: Abusive Incident

  • Batterer unpredictable; believes he is losing control
  • 1xbet best casino website is helpless; feels trapped
  • Batterer highly abusive, incident occurs
  • Incidence of violence or threat occurs
  • 1xbet best casino website traumatized
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Phase 3: Honeymoon Period

  • Batterer is loving, apologetic, and attentive
  • 1xbet best casino website has mixed feelings
  • Batterer is manipulative
  • 1xbet best casino website feels guilty and responsible
  • Batterer promises change
  • 1xbet best casino website considers reconciliation
  • 1xbet best casino website often recants/minimizes abuse

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