Caring for Yourself During the 1xbet best casino website to College

By Sarah Wesch, Ph.D.

While 1xbet best casino website may have been eagerly awaiting the beginning of your university experience, 1xbet best casino website likely underestimated the emotions and energy involved in making such a big life transition. Whether 1xbet best casino website are an 18-year old freshman, coming straight from high school, or an older student making the transition back into school, starting college comes with certain challenges. 1xbet best casino website may have worries about whether or not 1xbet best casino website will succeed in your classes. 1xbet best casino website may feel overwhelmed by balancing work, school and home life. If 1xbet best casino website 've moved away from home, 1xbet best casino website may miss friends, family and your familiar surroundings. What can 1xbet best casino website do to cope with this?

  1. Take care of your physical health. 1xbet best casino website may feel busier than 1xbet best casino website have ever felt before. This would be an easy time to skip exercise and start eating junk food. 1xbet best casino website will feel much better, physically and mentally, if 1xbet best casino website maintain an exercise routine and eat a balanced diet. Kansas State provides free resources to students to help 1xbet best casino website meet those goals. Check out Recreational Services: They have a great indoor workout facility as well as gear that 1xbet best casino website can rent to keep in good shape. Lafene Health Center provides health care, low-cost prescriptions and even has a dietician to help 1xbet best casino website We are c.
  2. Find Balance: During a transition it is tempting to retreat into your old life. 1xbet best casino website might do this by using social networking to connect with old friends. 1xbet best casino website might make many calls home to your family. These ways of coping can be very valuable to helping 1xbet best casino website through this transition. However, if 1xbet best casino website find that 1xbet best casino website are connecting with your "old life" at the expense of engaging with your new surroundings, be sure to find a balance. Schedule time to engage in new activities in the Manhattan area. In a few months, 1xbet best casino website can make many new connections.
  3. Make Relaxation a Practice. When 1xbet best casino website 're scrambling to balance classes and other responsibilities, relaxation seems like a waste of time. However, daily practice of relaxation can actually make 1xbet best casino website more productive, through increasing your energy and focus during work times. Ask yourself what 1xbet best casino website 've found relaxing in the past, and include it in each day. If 1xbet best casino website 've never had a relaxation practice, there are many types of relaxation that 1xbet best casino website could try.

For some students, the transition to college can trigger more severe symptoms of depression and anxiety. If 1xbet best casino website find that 1xbet best casino website are experiencing extreme sadness, lack of energy, trouble sleeping, negative thoughts, suicidal thinking, or any mental health symptoms that seem hard to manage, contact KSU Counseling and Psychological Services for assistance (, 785-532-6927.) Our services are open to all current Kansas State University students. We're here to help make 1xbet best casino website college experience a success.

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