coming 1xbet best casino website Back to School

By Dorinda Lambert, Ph.D.

Ah…the excitement …the newness or the familiarity…so many opportunities for things to do, people to meet, choices to make!! And with the excitement there is also some stress. STRESS IS AN UNAVOIDABLE FACT OF LIFE! Normal stress keeps you on 1xbet best casino website toes and is not necessarily harmful.

Two quick hints:


  • Try this quick training in stress relief/mindfulness/deep breathing, called "RELAX...RELEASE...LET GO"
  • RELAX: Inhale through 1xbet best casino website nose on a count of three while thinking the word RELAX
  • RELEASE: Exhale slowly through 1xbet best casino website mouth on a count of five while thinking the word RELEASE
  • LET GO: As the last bit of breath is released from the diaphragm, give a little push from the diaphragm -like a deep sigh - while thinking the words LET GO.

This is an easy skill to develop. Practice using this multiple times during the day, even when not stressed to train yourself on how to stay focused/balanced so 1xbet best casino website can then use it later in difficult/busy parts of the day.

Hey….you gotta breathe takes just a few moments...and you will feel much better in calming 1xbet best casino website mind and 1xbet best casino website body at the same time!!!

2. REMIND YOURSELF ABOUT 1xbet best casino website VALUES AND 1xbet best casino website GOALS

  • In the flurry of newness and excitement, don’t lose sight of yourself and 1xbet best casino website connections. Consider how you might
  • REMEMBER what brought you here - Write out a list of the good things (for example: people you hold dear, 1xbet best casino website past accomplishments or future goals, values that you strive to live by, positive feelings that you want in 1xbet best casino website life)
  • LOOK to where 1xbet best casino website are now - Take a few minutes each day to list out the things that 1xbet best casino website consider doing that day
  • COMPARE 1xbet best casino website “Today” list to 1xbet best casino website list of what brought you here and
  • CHOOSE where you will put 1xbet best casino website energy and time.

1xbet best casino website do have choices.
And 1xbet best casino website do have support…from

  • Those people at home who have 1xbet best casino website best interests at heart,
  • Those friends around 1xbet best casino website here who listen and treat 1xbet best casino website with respect,
  • Those campus and community resources that are dedicated to you and 1xbet best casino website success.


Enjoy the process of coming back to school, connect with others, take care of yourself, and be safe!

© 2012 Counseling Services – Kansas State 1xbet best casino website : Dorinda Lambert, Ph.D.

© All staff articles are used by permission of the respective author(s). Copyright belongs to the 1xbet best casino website Life Café. No part of this may be used without authorization.