A Note from 1xbet best casino website Staff

In response to recent local and national events, 1xbet best casino website would like to reiterate our commitment to mutual respect and inclusivity, as well as our support for those affected by these actions.

1xbet best casino website values the diversity of our campus community and recognizes inherent differences in our worldviews. We believe the AUCCCO put it best by stating:

As professionals, we seek to continue our social justice work, to illuminate the traumatic effect of oppression, including racial-based trauma, to work to eliminate systems of oppression, and to provide support and care to those impacted….We are reminded of the crucial role that 1xbet best casino website Centers can play in reaching out to marginalized populations on campus and in our communities, as we strive for peace and respect for human differences.

We welcome healthy conversations to discuss these 1xbet best casino website in order for us all to develop a greater understanding of one another’s experience.

The expression of beliefs in a violent, hateful, or hurtful manner is not in line with our 1xbet best casino website nor K-State’s Principles of 1xbet best casino website . Respectful, non-violent communication is at the heart of who we are as an agency.

If you or a group of people you’re a part of are interested in debriefing with 1xbet best casino website staff, we invite you to contact us at counsel@ksu.edu or 785-532-6927. We’ll do our best to help organize and meet your needs.