Thesis & ETDR 1xbet best casino website

As a graduate student, you will likely be expected to write an Electronic Thesis/Dissertation/Report (ETDR). While you may not hold 1xbet best casino website to all the images and figures you cite in your ETDR, you hold the 1xbet best casino website to your ETDR.

K-state also requires you place your final thesis into our digital repository. Please visit Electronic Theses, Dissertations, and Reports ( for more information on templates and submission forms. You may also find more 1xbet best casino website information in the Frequently asked 1x regarding intellectual property.

ETDR 1xbet best casino website Protections

Your ETDR is an original work and is protected by 1xbet best casino website laws of the United States (title 17, U.S. Code). These laws give the 1xbet best casino website owner (in this case, you) exclusive rights to (or authorize others to):

  • reproduce,
  • distribute,
  • produce derivative works,
  • display,
  • or perform the work.

1xbet best casino website protection is automatic from the moment of creation, so a 1xbet best casino website notice (©) is not legally required to receive protection. For your ETDR it is recommended to include if you include an ETDR 1xbet best casino website Page.

Registering ETDR 1xbet best casino website

If you are formally registering your 1xbet best casino website , a 1xbet best casino website page will be required. You may register your ETDR through the U.S. 1xbet best casino website Office or as part of the submission process to UMI/ProQuest (doctoral students only).

ETDR 1xbet best casino website Page

Your ETDR 1xbet best casino website page is not required for deposit at K-state, but it is highly recommended. This is becuase a 1xbet best casino website page communicates the 1xbet best casino website status of your work and gives others information about who to contact for permissions. You can include the 1xbet best casino website page even if you do not register for 1xbet best casino website .

ETDR 1xbet best casino website Page Template:

If you include a 1xbet best casino website page in your ETDR, the following information should appear on the page:

1xbet best casino website © Firstname Lastname YYYY.

For example,

1xbet best casino website © Will E. Wildcat 2017.

See the ETDR template for more information on your 1xbet best casino website page.

Reusing Content in your ETDR

When you reuse others' works, even if they are in the public domain (i.e. their 1xbet best casino website terms have expired or they never had 1xbet best casino website protection), you may not be infringing anyone's 1xbet best casino website , but you could be plagiarizing if you do not properly cite the work. Please see the Plagiarism and 1xbet best casino website Infringement section of this page for more information. While proper citation is important, you must also comply with U.S. 1xbet best casino website Law when reusing content in your ETDR. Please refer to Reusing Content or read the Framework for Analyzing any U.S. 1xbet best casino website Problem, which breaks down how to legally use content in four sequential steps, before reading about the types of content (below) that are commonly used in ETDRs.

Here are the common types of content you might be using in your ETDR:

  • Charts, tables, and graphs
    • Depending on the type of figure you are using, the chart, table, or graph may have little to no 1xbet best casino website protection. Creativity is a condition of 1xbet best casino website protection, and often, charts, tables, and graphs are merely representations of data that is generated by a software program, such as Microsoft Excel, and thus many of them do not have 1xbet best casino website protection. Take a few moments to read the "Copyrightability of Tables, Charts, and Graphs" from the University of Michigan in order to become more familiar with these distinctions. If a work (e.g. a graph) has no 1xbet best casino website protection, then you are free to use the work. If you feel that the work may have a minimal level of creativity, then you may need to rely on fair use. If you obtained the figure from an Open Access (OA) journal, such as the Public Library of Science, the paper and any of the figures likely have a Creative Commons License that allows for the reuse of the work.
  • Quotations
    • Short quotations of copyrighted material are generally considered fair use. If you are quoting from a work that is either in the public domain or has an open license, such as a Creative Commons License, then you do not have to worry about relying on an exemption in the law such as fair use (see below).
  • Pictorial and graphic materials
    • If you are using pictorial and graphic materials in your ETDR, The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for the Visual Arts is recommended reading, especially if you plan to use these types of material later in your career. The first principle (pages 9-10) outlines analytic writing, which will be central to writing your ETDR. Also see fair use (below) for more key points.
  • Survey instruments and standardized tests
    • If you plan to include published survey instruments or standardized tests in your ETDR, you should obtain permission. Keep in mind that standardized test publishers generally do not want their tests widely circulated and are unlikely to grant permission to reproduce them.