1xbet best casino website for Submitting Research Protocols

1xbet best casino website is an electronic protocol submission and management system. It utilizes electronic application forms that make it easier for researchers to make necessary edits and collaborate with other K-State investigators and/or students. Protocol information for each researcher is organized on their individual dashboards within the system.

To get started, simply visit the 1xbet best casino website website and log in with your K-State credentials. You will be brought to your user dashboard where you will be able to see all of your current research protocols as well as links to the application form to submit a new protocol.

More information on how to use 1xbet best casino website to submit and manage protocols can be found in the Investigator Guide.

New IRB Chair

Beginning August 6, 2022, Dr. Lisa Rubin will be the new IRB Chair. Please note that there will be an updated informed consent form with this new information posted on the IRB 1xbet onl. New submissions, beginning August 6, will be required to have this updated information in the consent form for applications to receive final approval.

Quick Tips:

  • Starting a new IRB application

To start a new application, log into 1xbet best casino website and go to the IRB dashboard. Under either the "xForms" or "Protocols" tabs, select the button that reads "Click here to start IRB Application for Approval" shown here:

Start xForm

  • Entering study personnel

Study collaborators can be entered in one of three ways, depending on their role in the protocol:

  • If there is a Responsible Graduate Student affilated with the protocol, they will be entered on the first page of the application. Note: The graduate student will need to sign into the 1xbet best casino website system at least once in order for their name and information to show up in this field.
        • Responsible Graduate Student
      • Additional K-State collaborators can be entered in the Project Collaborators page of the application. Note: all collaborators need to sign into the 1xbet best casino website system at least once in order for their name and information to show up in this field.
        • K-State Collaborators
      • Non-K-State collaborators will also be entered on the Project Collaborators page, if applicable to the study in question. They will not need to log into 1xbet best casino website in order to list them on the form.

Non-KSU Collaborators

  • Generating a PDF

The application form can be turned into a PDF at any time during the completion process, and after the form has been completed. To do so, scroll to the bottom of the page, click "More" and then "View as PDF".

View as PDF

  • Submitting a modification

To submit a modification, click the "Copy for Amend" button next to the Application xForm for the protocol in question, shown here:

Copy for Amend

This will open the modification form, where investigators will list the changes that are being made and update the form accordingly.

Note: For protocols that were approved prior to the implementation of 1xbet best casino website , modifications will be handled in the same manner they previously were: via an edited PDF emailed to comply@ksu.edu. Alternatively, researchers can decide to resubmit protocols that were approved prior to 1xbet best casino website using the new Application xForm, if they decide they prefer to use the new system to manager protocols and modifications.


Investigator Guide

Sample IRB xForm Application

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If you have any questions about 1xbet best casino website , please feel free to call our office at (785) 532-3224 or email comply@ksu.edu.